Woman stopped for ducks may get life in prison. Emma Czornobaj, the Canadian woman who stopped to help ducks on a busy road and caused the death of Andre Roy and his daughter Jessie in 2010 is facing life in prison. Emma Czornobaj parked in the left lane and had her door opened which prompted Roy who was speeding to crash his motorcycle into her car.
Emma Czornobaj will be back in court in August to learn her fate.
The financial analyst stopped her Honda Civic, parked it and left her door open in order to rapidly rescue the group of ducklings.
On June 27, 2010 Emma Czornobaj, 25 who had her driver’s permit for three years was on Highway 30 in Candiac, Quebec when she spotted a handful of baby ducks on the busy road.
Andre Roy, 50, and his daughter, Jessie, 16, who were on a Harley-Davidson who was speeding (the motorcycle was going 70 mph to 80 mph in a 60 mph zone) crashed into Emma Czornobaj’s car and died on the scene.
Emma Czornobaj who has been dubbed “The Woman Who Stopped For Ducks” appeared in court for the first time exactly 4 years after the horrible accident where the jury threw the book at her -life term for stopping for ducks.
The 12 member of jury voted rapidly and unanimously to convict Emma Czornobaj of counts of criminal negligence causing death – which directly means that she may get life in prison.
Many legal experts are surprised the woman who stopped for ducks received life in prison because there was no criminal intent tied to her actions.
With tears in her eyes, Czornobaj told the crowd in the Montreal court room that she saw 7 ducklings without their mother and wanted to adopt them.
She added that she never wanted to harm anyone. On August 8th, “The Woman Who Stopped For Ducks” who is out on bail will be back in court for her sentence hearing.
Andre Roy’s widow Pauline Volikakis also appeared in court where she begged drivers not to stop for animals when they are on the road.
Everyone wants to blame someone else. If people would take responsibility for their own actions the world would be a better place. Sorry the motorcycle driver was killed. Why wasn’t he watching where he was going? He couldn’t see a parked car? Why was he speeding? Not all the blame is on the young lady.