Wedding ring lost. Candy given away for Halloween may contain a wedding ring that belongs to Brooklin Yazzie, from Mesa, Arizona. The woman is asking the person with the piece of jewelry to please return it.
Wedding ring lost in candy bag and story goes viral. A woman by the name of Brooklin Yazzie, from Mesa, Arizona is pleading with the person who has her wedding ring to return it.
On Halloween night, Yazzie was carving pumpkins with her two daughters and removed her wedding ring and dropped it an empty jar. The group decided to dress up as The Addams Family, and got ready for the festivities.
During the party, Yazzie forgot that the jar had her ring in it and poured a bag of candy in. Yazzie explained that the candies she put in the jar were shaped like rings.
“I actually had plastic rings in there too, so it wouldn’t have felt much different,”
When children from her neighborhood knocked her door, she split the content of the jar, poured them in trick-or-treat bags and gave them away. At some point while partying with her family, she noticed that her ring was gone.
Yazzie said that she was shocked and added:
“When I first realized what had happened, I just lost my speech, I froze.”
She has posters all over her neighborhood that read “Lost Wedding Ring In Your Child’s Candy” with a description of the ring and is asking the trick-or-treaters to return the ring.
The lost wedding ring is not very expensive, according to the woman. When the couple got married about 10 years ago, they were in their early twenties and could not afford a very pricey ring. The mother of two said:
“If you were to try and pawn it or sell it you could probably get $50 for it. It’s not an expensive ring.”
But the ring is priceless to Yazzie because it is a symbol of love and commitment.