Despite being aware of it, authorities hired a war criminal suspect as a TSA security guard. It has been confirmed that Yusuf Abdi Ali, who has been accused of being a Somali war criminal, worked as a security guard at Dulles International Airport in Virginia.
Believe it or not, Yusuf Abdi Ali, a war criminal suspect, was hired as a TSA security guard and Virginia authorities were aware of the man’s background.
This week, CNN conducted an investigation, which led to the surprising discovery – Yusuf Abdi Ali, a TSA employee, was a military commander during Somalia’s 1991’s brutal civil war, and either took part or ordered the burning of villages and the massacre of the Isaaq people.
Millions of children and women were murdered during the war. Ali was given the name Colonel Tukeh, which means crow, this was a reference to his sharp features. According to the media, the alleged criminal has been living in Washington, D.C. for about 20 years after he was deported from Canada.
After a series of security jobs, he landed a post with the TSA as an unarmed security guard at Dulles International Airport. This is where the story takes a very bizarre twist:
“…each one of several federal agencies confirmed it knew about Ali’s past but refused to give a reason why his background didn’t raise red flags.”
The alleged war criminal, who worked for six years as a security guard, has been placed on administrative leave by Master Security, that was hired by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority or MWAA. Master Security’s Chief Executive Rick Cucina said:
“We we unaware of the pending litigation. In light of the very serious nature of the allegations, Ali is on administrative leave, and the company is reviewing the case.. Ali’s airport access has also been withdrawn.”
The FBI issued a statement revealing that it only runs fingerprints through a domestic criminal background system. It read:
“TSA provided the full results of its security screening to the Airport Authority who is ultimately responsible for issuing a badge for security contract work. Based on the results of the security screening, he did not meet the criteria for denial of his application. We defer to the Airport Authority for further information on employment status.”
Yusuf Abdi Ali and his lawyer have both denied the claims. No criminal court in the world can try him for war crimes.
$50 says he has a personal letter of recommendation from a certain B.H. Obama.