Angry dad, Vincent Price Jones, has been arrested after a cattle prod attack on his daughter’s boyfriend. Not happy with Norman Gerstner, 38, the man, who was in a relationship with his 25-year-old daughter, Vincent Price Jones from Bellingham, Washington poked him with an electric cattle prod and threatened to cut off his genitals with a knife. According to people with knowledge of the situation, Vincent Price Jones’ daughter is disabled.
Vincent Price Jones has been arrested after a cattle prod attack on Norman Gerstner, the man who dared to date his adult daughter.
What is being called the “Vincent Price Jones cattle prod assault” occurred over a month ago in Bellingham in Whatcom County in the state of Washington.
According to the police report, in the early morning of March 24, 2015, Mr. Jones, who is 6-foot-4 tall and weighs 230 pounds, stormed into the home where Norman Gerstner was staying and poked him several times in the chest with a cattle prod.
Bellingham Police Lt. Bob Vander Yacht revealed that Jones used an electric cattle prod. Here is a brief description of a cattle prod or what farmers call “hotshots” or “cattle prods”:
“A cattle prod, also called a stock prod, is a handheld device commonly used to make cattle or other livestock move by striking or poking them. An electric cattle prod is a stick with electrodes on the end which is used to make cattle move through a relatively high-voltage, low-current electric shock.”
According to experts, cattle prods today are designed with a high range of voltage, which would explain why Gerstner had red marks and suffered “extreme pain” after the attack.
Before the invention of the stun gun and the Taser, electric cattle prods were used on humans especially on black people during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.
Jones was angry that his 25-year-old daughter was in a relationship with Gerstner, who is allegedly almost homeless, the father also pulled a knife on the man and threatened to cut off his penis and other body parts.
Vander Yacht added that Jones never approved of his daughter’s boyfriend and had spoken in the past about slashing his body with a knife. It has also been revealed by sources close to Jones that the daughter is disabled.
Gerstner, who was staying with friends, told the police that Jones also tried to harm the other people, who were at the home with the six-inch folding knife he found on the coffee table. Gerstner waited for nearly an hour before dialing 911.
On Tuesday, Jones’ victim was vindicated after he spotted him entering a restaurant and called the police again. Vincent Price Jones was arrested by local authorities and charged with second-degree assault, first-degree robbery, first-degree burglary and felony harassment.
It is not known why the police took over a month to apprehend Jones and charge him with the crime.
Vincent Price Jones has no known criminal history and is currently behind bars in Whatcom County Jail in lieu of $50,000 bail.
What are your thoughts on the father’s actions?
should have cut off the freaks nuts and shoved them is mouth, then told to get chewing!!
He is NOT a brave dad, In fact has not spoken to daughter or even checked to see if she needs groceries in months. The guy she liked and dated was in her circle of friends and he has a home – and is not near homeless. Vincent himself has abused and ruined countless women and has left a trail of destruction. He is a criminal, a freak, a loser with evil anger, and he deserves PRISON!!!!
I had the misfortune to meet Vincent Price Jones several years ago. He is a sociopath and mentally imbalanced and very abusive mentally, emotionally and sexually to women. He is a master manipulator and con and destroys lives in the process. He does not care who he hurts and ruins in his sick abusive games. He is no hero. He is sick and hopefully will be put away.