Traci Vaillancourt, who is battling a rare blood disease, has accepted a plea deal in the murder case of Sgt. Derek Johnson. In 2013, Vaillancourt, a former model and drug addict, witnessed her boyfriend, Timothy Troy Walker, shoot and kill Derek Johnson, and lied to police about the brutal murder.
Traci Vaillancourt, the former model, who is suffering from a rare blood disease, is once more making headlines.
Earlier this week, Vaillancourt appeared in a courtroom in Salt Lake, Utah, accompanied by her lawyer where she took a plea deal in order to avoid prison time in the brutal murder of Sgt. Derek Johnson by her boyfriend, Timothy Troy Walker.
Miss Vaillancourt whose body has swollen because of the illness said little during the court appearance. The former beauty queen pleaded no contest to obstructing justice in the death of Drape police Sgt. Derek Johnson.
Vaillancourt’s attorney, Matthew Kober, stated that his client’s drug addiction stemmed from taking pain medication because of the disease. He went on to add:
“Traci’s plea reflects her desire to end what has been an incredibly difficult process for both her and the Johnson family.She recognizes the need for closure and the need to start a new chapter of her life.”
Court documents showed that the pageant queen lied to police officers on several occasions about the events that took place in September of 2013, which lead to the death of Johnson.
Traci Lee Vaillancourt, who was homeless at the time, first told authorities that Timothy Troy Walker was sitting in the car and had nothing to do with the shooting.
She later changed her story and revealed that he was outside the car trying to lift the hood while changing a flat tire when the shooting occurred.
Vaillancourt walked back her story for a third time and claimed that she did not see nor hear the shooting.
According to the police, Vaillancourt and Walker, who were both high on meth, were trying to repair a flat tire.
Johnson pulled up to their vehicle and offered his help, Walker, pulled out his gun and shot the sergeant at least three times.
Walker tried to kill himself and Vaillancourt, but they both survived the ordeal. As part of Traci Vaillancourt’s plea, she has agreed to subject herself to random drug tests, and must complete a substance abuse program to stay out of prison.