“Texas mom letter to stepmom” will touch you in an emotional way. Few months ago, a Texas mother named Candice Curry, posted a letter on her blog, in which she revealed that she is grateful that her daughter, Stiles, has a wonderful stepmom named Ashley.
Texas mom letter to stepmom has the internet buzzing. Meet Candice Curry, a Texas mom, who was hoping that Ashley, the stepmother of her teenage daughter, Stiles, would be a monster, according to The Inquisitr.
When Curry learned that her ex-husband was dating another woman, she assumed that she would be horrible and was certain that her daughter would hate her. In her open letter on Women With Worth, the mother wrote:
“In my mind you would be a terrible beast and my daughter would not want you to mother her at all, ever! I was hoping that you would be semi unattractive and prayed my daughter wouldn’t look up to you. Her daddy would know that he was settling for second best. Evil swirled in me because I never wanted to face the fact that another woman would mother my child in my absence.”
But the moment Candice met Ashley, she knew that she was wrong. The divorcee discovered a lady who cared about Stiles as much as she does. The Texas mom found a person who is selfless enough to put Stiles’ relationship with her father first. Candice Curry explained:
“You’ve accepted our daughter from the very start and have unconditionally loved both her and her daddy, that’s a true gift to all of us. You’ve included our daughter in everything you do and make her feel loved and accepted. You put her relationship with her daddy above yours and only a brave and courageous woman knows how to do that with such grace.”
“Texas mom letter to stepmom” has gone viral with thousands of Likes on Facebook and the ladies have appeared on Good Morning America to talk about their relationships. Curry said:
“We had to accept where life brought us.We decided to focus on the future.”
Ashley added:
“I wanted to make sure that Stiles knew I cared about her as well as that relationship.It’s something that I would hope all stepmommies would be able to experience.”
Stiles explained that she is happy to have four people loving her. The teenager stated:
“I am grateful that I have all these people that love me and care for me.”
Texas mom letter to stepmom can be read in full here.
What are your thoughts on the Texas mom letter to stepmom?
This is a truly amazing story. More people should behave like them.
This is what a combined family should be. Make the children fill like there is no turmoil, and why should there be if the step parent abides by the step parent “rule” and doesn’t try to play the “true parent” role. That’s where the awarkdness comes in and boundaries are crossed.
Truly inspirational! This touched my heart. I’m in the process of changing my life after the lose of my husband. Due to the pain I lost my mind, my kids, and myself. This story was something I really needed to read during this time of my life. Thank you so much for sharing.
What a nice story. Wish it could be that way for all children of divorced parents. My son’s wife left him for another man, her decision. That relationship did not work out, he left within a year, leaving her alone. Now, 3 years after she left my son, he has met a wonderful woman that his children love, and in turn she loves them. His ex however, has been hateful to this new woman. She tells the children terrible things about “daddy’s new slut” tells terrible lies about her, tries as hard as she can to make the children hate daddy’s new wife. Its sad, what she needs to realize is the children understand what she is doing, so her spite is actually driving the children away from her, and although she is their real mother, the children no longer want to spend time with her, her hate for this new woman is costing her her relationship with the children. I tried to tell her, but it fell on deaf, hateful ears, and she started telling the children untrue things about me, which thankfully they also know are untrue, driving them farther from their mother. Sad!
this is so sweet.