Ted Cruz is in Indiana and making sure that he talks about all things Indiana. Cruz appeared at the GOP spring dinner where he referenced an old movie about an Indiana basketball team and slammed the federal government – all in the hopes of winning next month’s primary.
Ted Cruz is hoping that Indiana will show America that his campaign is not mathematically over. On Thursday, the junior United States Senator from Texas, Rafael Edward Cruz appeared at the 2016 State GOP Spring Dinner in Indiana accompanied by his wife, Heidi Cruz.
The lavish event included all of the big Republican/conservative names of the state, including Governor Mike Pence. Cruz told the crowd:
“Heidi and I are going to spend a lot of time here in Indiana, working to earn your votes; barnstorming the state, holding town halls, holding rallies, asking for your support.”
Moreover, to really entertain his audience while showing off his knowledge of all things Indiana, Cruz used a quote from the 1986 movie Hoosiers – a film about a small-town Indiana basketball team.
The candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in the 2016 election compared the federal government to “the guy who will get naked and bark at the moon in your living room.” In the movie, Gene Hackman played coach Norman Dale, who said:
“…there are two kinds of dumb: a guy that gets naked and runs out in the snow and barks at the moon, and a guy who does the same thing in my living room. First one don’t matter, the second one you’re kinda forced to deal with.”
In his speech, Cruz stated that he hopes the people of Indiana will get behind an optimistic conservative campaign and went on to reveal that he had a good conversation with Pence. He explained:
“I was honored that he would take time to come and sit down at the Governor’s residence with me.”
Pence confirmed that Cruz got a little one-on-one time with him at the Governor’s mansion, but made it clear that he did not endorse him. Pence shared:
“I have not endorsed a candidate up to this point but I haven’t ruled out weighing in if I feel strongly about it, but look I am absolutely committed to the republican nominee for president.”
Before the $150-a-plate dinner, Cruz attracted a large crowd, visited Shapiro’s Delicatessen where hundreds came to see him and pledged their support to him. Dave Frye, of Indianapolis, said:
“I have been hoping that Cruz wins his party’s nomination since he announced his candidacy more than a year ago. Trump is distorting the national conversation and Cruz is a staunch constitutionalist.”
Katie Conley, 25, added:
“I support Cruz because of his focus on family and his anti-abortion stance.”
The Cruz family is planning to continue campaigning aggressively in the Hoosier state, ahead of the May 3 primary – so do Donald Trump and John Kasich, who are all hoping to lock in Indiana’s 57 Replubican delegates.
Cruz’s swing through the state follows a Wednesday rally held by Trump, which drew several thousand people. Next week, Ohio Governor John Kasich will be in Indiana where he will sit down with Spence and hold a town hall.
Same mentality that voted for Bush, duped into believing that Saddam and Iraq were an imminent threat,the war in Iraq now following the new republican pied pipers. Sheeple, just pure ignorant american voters. baaaa