Taylor Swift gives love advice to a young fan on Instagram, her post goes viral and the world now has an extra reason to like her. If you are in need of a little relationship advice, Taylor Swift might just be your girl.
Country music darling Taylor Swift has made a career out of writing songs often depicting love stories gone wrong. This does not mean that the music star has stopped believing in love. She remains a hopeless romantic as she demonstrated this week by telling a fan not to give up on that feeling.
Hannah a young woman who uses the account @sherbetswift on Instagram wanted the help of her favorite artist over what to do in her love life. Hannah likes a young man she has known for a very long time, he has always been nice to her but he’s madly in love with a beautiful young woman who also happens to be a very nice person. Hannah thinks he will never feel the way she does and is feeling bad about it.
When the young fan asked for advice she did not expect to hear back from Swift. Little did she know that the “Sweeter Than Fiction” singer would and her advice not only touched the fan but also people who are in similar situations. Taylor Swift advice went as followed:
I think we grow up thinking the only love that counts as true love is the kind that lasts forever or is fully realized. When you have a broken heart, the first thing a stranger will ask is ‘how long were you two together?’ As if your pain can be determined by how long you were with someone. Or if you were with them at all. I don’t think that’s how it works. I think unrequited love is just as valid as any other kind. It’s just as crushing and just as thrilling. No matter what happens in this situation, I want you to remember that what you are doing is selfless and beautiful and kind. You are loving someone purely because you love them, not because you think you’ll ever have your affections reciprocated. You are admiring something for its beauty, without needing to own it. Feel good about being the kind of person who loves selflessly. I think someday you’ll find someone who loves you in that exact same way.
Hannah was so moved by Taylor Swift’s note that she compared her to a big sister that she does not have. Taylor Swift advice for unrequited love got a positive feedback in most places. Nonetheless few cynical voices did point to the fact that her dating history should disqualify her from giving love advice to others. Do as I say, not as I do is a very famous proverb that can apply in this case.