Steven Spielberg’s dead dino pic goes viral for all the wrong reasons. Steven Spielberg is being accused of killing a dinosaur that is extinct. A Facebook user by the name of Jay Branscomb was inspired by Kendall Jones’ drama and jokingly shared a photo of Spielberg sitting next to a Triceratops. Branscomb used a funny caption to say how angry he was by the filmmaker’s action. Believe it or not many people were upset by Spielberg’s dead dino pic which was taken on the set of one of the biggest movies all of time Jurassic Park over 20 years ago. Couple of people who were unaware that Triceratops were extinct 65 million years ago called Spielberg barbaric and cruel.
Steven Spielberg’s dead dino pic proves two things:
Many people on the internet were born after 1990 and they all skipped science in school.
Earlier this week, Jay Branscomb who wanted to poke fun at Kendall Jones, the Texas cheerleader who was bashed on Facebook for posting dozens of pictures of herself next to dead animals she hunted in Africa, shared a pic of famous movie director Steven Spielberg next to a fake dead dinosaur.
The photo was taken in 1993 on the set of the blockbuster and record shattering movie Jurassic Park based on a book by the same title by Michael Crichton which was published in 1990.
Jay Branscomb jokingly captioned the snapshot where a younger looking Spielberg could be seen sitting next to the mechanical dino:
“Disgraceful photo of recreational hunter happily posing next to a Triceratops he just slaughtered. Please share so the world can name and shame this despicable man.”
Within minutes, the post went viral with over 30 shares and Branscomb discovered that he just created chaos.
Apparently few people never heard of the science fiction film and never learned in school that dinosaurs vanished several millions ago and rushed to their computers to slam the Oscar winning filmmaker.
One person said that he cried when he saw the horrible picture and demanded that Steven be arrested.
Another ignorant Facebook user said that the person who killed the dino was barbaric and people like that will eventually wipe out all animals on earth.
A commentator asked why was the maker of the Schindler’s List smiling after killing such an innocent animal.