Son hanging from hook picture gets mom arrested. Alexis Breeden, 18, has been arrested by Virginia authorities after her former boyfriend, Anthony Welch, posted a picture of the teen mom hanging her baby boy on a plant hook.
Son hanging from hook story has gone viral and has landed the mother in hot water. Late October, Anthony Welch, 18, who was determined to prove that his former girlfriend was a bad mother to their young son, shared a picture on Facebook.
The photo showed, 18-year-old Alexis Breeden hanging her 14-month-old son hanging from a hook by his shirt. The baby looked scared and appeared to be crying as the mother held on to him. The angry dad wrote under the picture:
“Everybody think that alexis is a good mom this is what she sent me.tell me wat the fuk yall think.”
The Facebook post rapidly went viral and several people made telephone calls to Virginia authorities to reveal the abuse. Numerous others shared the disturbing picture of the baby hanging on a hook on the Spotsylvania County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.
On Thursday afternoon, a felony warrant was issued for the teen mom’s arrest. And the following day, Breeden, turned herself in to the Spotsylvania County Sheriff’s Office.
According to Sgt. James Konicki, the picture of the child hanging from a hook was taken between September 1 and September 10 by the child’s mother.
“We had it assigned to a criminal investigation detective through the child victim unit. When she responded, she did an investigation and found that it wasn’t a nail, it was actually a planter hook that the child was hanging from. But the child was absolutely fine.”
The mom who is facing a felony child abuse charge and has been was released from jail on $2500 bond took Facebook to blast everyone:
“They think this was immature and dumb of me but saw I was playing and no one needs to know everything going on because some of you aren’t parents and no one knows the full story.Mind your own fucking business.”
Alexis Breeden who is due in court next month for a separate charge, was ordered by a judge to complete anger management courses and undergo a mental health evaluation.
What was she thinking how would she like to be done like that
She should absolutely go to jail it’s no different than the picture of the man holding a fun to the babies head!!! That baby could have gotten choked or fell and got hurt or worse ppl are so cruel and so immature when they should thank god everyday for there children, and for there health there is no excuse for that kind of behavior god bless her and pray she don’t do it again
Should be gun not fun!
What an idiot.
She could’ve seriously injured her child doing this, and she thinks it’s a joke. He could’ve fallen or something.
The fact that she said, “some of you aren’t parents” is just further evidence that she’s an idiot. You don’t have to be a parent to know that a child can be injured doing shit like that.
When a child is abused it is everybody’s business. This is paramount to abuse. If the child was scared and crying, it is abuse. a mother’s job is to protect her child, not terrorize it.