No passport for Skywalker in England. A woman, who changed her middle name to Skywalker has been told by British authorities that, they can not renew her passport due to the fact it infringes on a trademark. Laura Elizabeth Skywalker Matthews was surprised that her passport application was denied, because she was able to change her name on other government issued documents.
Meet Laura Elizabeth Skywalker Matthews, in case you could not tell she is a real die hard fan of Star Wars.
In 2008, while joking around with friends, the British woman born Laura Elizabeth Matthews came up with the idea to add Skywalker to her name.
The 29-year-old, paid about $82 to add the middle name and became officially known as Laura Elizabeth Skywalker Matthews and of course picked L Skywalker as her new signature.
She changed her name on her driver’s license, credit cards and other identifications.
In May, her British passport expired, so she applied for a new one asking that the full name Laura Elizabeth Skywalker Matthews be used.
Miss Matthew who was planning to visit the Netherlands with a group of friends, waited eight long weeks to get a response from the Home Office.
In a brief letter, the Home Office explained to Miss Laura, that her passport application was denied because the name Skywalker is subject to copyright or trademark.
The letter went on to inform the lady who is from Southend, Essex, that she can reapply for a passport with her original name.
Needless to say that Elizabeth was heartbroken.
Not only did she miss her fun filled trip to Amsterdam, now she is faced with a dilemma, should she keep the documents and cards with the middle name Skywalker or dump everything and go back to her given name.
Talking to the media, Skywalker said the whole situation is a mess and she has contacted the passport office numerous times and they have refused to help her.