A size 22 model and Sea by Monif C have joined forces for a new swimwear campaign. The story has gone viral, some people are not happy about Tess Holliday becoming the face of the plus-size brand.
Tess Munster, also known as Tess Holliday, is doing great things at age 29. The woman, who was born Tess Ryann in Mississippi, is currently making history as a size 22 supermodel.
Holliday was picked by Sea by Monif C to be the face of the brand’s new campaign. Although Sea by Monif C is a plus-size business, this is the first time that the company is using a model of that size. The heavily tattooed mother of one is 5’5 tall, weighs 260 pounds and her measurements are 49″-49″-52″.
Monif Clarke, the founder of Monif C, explained in an interview with Yahoo, how she ended up choosing Holliday to represent her new line of swimwear. Clarke shared:
“We’ve always featured size 14 plus models. But, we thought, “How do we make this more compelling for our customer?” The feedback we were getting was, “We love that you show women in size 14 and 18 but what about the 22s and 24s?””
In January 2015, Holliday became the first model of her size to get signed by a mainstream agency, when she joined Milk Model Management that is based in London. The plus-size model was very happy to wear the Sea by Monif C swimsuits. Here is what she had to say about them:
“When I’m buying a swimsuit the thing that is most important to me is how I feel in it, if I feel good. It’s great to buy something that may look cute but I want to buy something that makes me feel sexy and I want to feel confident when I’m going out and I want people to stare so you know I want good support, I want fun prints.”
She also added:
“I love that the swimwear is designed by an actual plus size woman. Not only does [Clarke] know what we need but she also gives us the sexy factor that’s totally lacking in swimwear. She gets that we don’t need to hide our bodies or feel bad for the way we look yet she makes swimwear that helps us embrace our size and look good.
The media quickly embraced Tess Holliday’s accomplishment, but online commentators were less enthused. Some people say that the press is indirectly promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. Those voices believe that obesity is no different than anorexia. On the other side of the conversation, some have said that attacking Holliday over her weight is mean-spirited and is a form of bullying.
According to The Inquisitr, Holliday, the creator of the #effyourbeautystandards movement, is not bothered by the negativity; she is celebrating the fact that her pictures “broke the internet.”
What are your thoughts on the media’s reaction to Tess Holliday’s success?
She looks like a size 42, not 22. I have ZERO problem with people of any size wearing whatever they want. But those ugly tattoos really subtract from her beauty. I just wish they would be honest about her true size.
My girlfriends and I were saying the same thing! We wear from 20-24 and none of us look that big. Not in fat denial either, we just don’t. She is way bigger, and her arms…Sorry, just not attractive. Of all the pretty larger women and they pick her ill built self? I wasn’t even looking at the clothes, I was taken by her not 22 body. Sorry I am sure I will piss someone off, but it’s true and I’m just speaking it.
I completely agree. I’m so torn on this issue because I’m so happy for her and think she is super gorgeous. I am the same height as Tess and wear and 18-20. At my largest I was a 24, pushing a 26 and was not as big as she is. I know that sizes can be so different across the board. I feel like she has one item of clothing in a 22 and therefore she can claim to be a 22. I’m not buying 260 lbs. either. Again, I feel crappy even saying this because I do think this a positive step for body acceptance—however, if she can’t be her true size, what’s the point? I could be wrong, I know everyone carries weight differently but…
Angel, I totally agree with you. I am a size 20 and my measurements are 5-10″ smaller than hers. Think she may be a bit bigger than a 22.
Angel I was thinking the same thing. That or this woman is around 5′ tall. I have co-workers who are about 5’6″ish who wear 22 and even 24 and they don’t look anywhere this large. The tat on her thigh actually looks like a growth (not pretty).
Internet states she is 5.5 feet tall and weighs 260 pounds. I am plus size and wear 20/22 and she is a lot larger than me. I think they need to be more truthful about her size. It is like Kristie Alley when she loses weight, it is always 50 pounds she loses or even Melissa McCarthy, she has lost way more than 45 pounds. Tired of being mislead.
I personally think she looks AMAZING!! Completely ROCKING everything she wears! Let’s try looking at how comfortable she is in her own skin and not NITPICK every single thing! I am also 5’5″ tall and weigh 280 lbs. In no way did I even think that “she must weigh more than…” Good Gracious people, let’s support, not tear down!! Good Job Tess Holliday!!
I also would like to say thank you to Sea by Monif C for finally showcasing a model that is bigger than a size 14/16. I am a size 22/24 (used to be 30/32) and am very happy to see someone of my size rocking clothes that don’t look like something my Grandmother would wear.
RIGHT ON!! Who cares what plus size she is? Quit bitchin’ and be happy, this big sista rocks the suits with her curvaceous curves!!
I can’t believe woman of size are making the comments I see here! As for “no way she’s a size 22”, I am almost the same size as her but 1/2-1 inch difference in size/height. I must be lying too because I wear a size 22. Rock those clothes and swimsuits! I wish I had the confidence for the swimsuits as I’m going on a cruise in November.
I honestly wish she wasnt so confident. Im not saying she isnt beautiful in her way, but I feel like its a losing battle to try to make larger women seem just as appealing as skinny women in their designer clothes. No matter what icing you decide to put on the cake you cant force an anorexic model to keep it down, and society would rather see an anorexic woman in a bikini than to see one over-fully figured. Admit it or not, women want to feel attractive to other people and not simply dress in what makes them feel sexy, and that means conforming to the type of beauty that most men admire. To say you only want to look good to yourself simply means you dont have the will power to try and improve your own physical attributes and would rather give up and accept yourself as you are. I truthfully think that woman know in their hearts what men find attractive and they know what is unappealing, and the bigger you are, the harder you fall out of that catagory.
I think she’s attractive. I am not picking at her as I am a 22/24 myself and yes I am 5’7″ But there is absolutely no way she is a 22.. Not to mention she looks unhealthy and oddly built and flabby. Sorry, but there are more attractive plus size bodies out there. My boyfriend who likes big women was not impressed by her at all. I have tats also, but not trashy ones.