A Senate Majority PAC ad about Kelly Ayotte and Donald Trump is making headlines. The newly released ad by the Democratic super PAC blasts Mrs. Ayotte for joining Mr. Trump to “delay, delay, delay” President Barack Obama’s constitutional right to nominate someone to replace late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
A Senate Majority PAC ad blasting Kelly Ayotte and Donald Trump is making waves. On Wednesday, Senate Majority PAC, which is a Democratic super PAC, launched a new ad in New Hampshire taking aim at Ayotte.
Mrs. Ayotte, a Republican, is the junior United States Senator from New Hampshire since 2011. The 30-second ad, which began airing on local television on Wednesday slammed Senator Kelly Ayotte for joining many high-ranking members of the GOP including Trump and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in making sure that President Barack Obama does not pick the next Supreme Court justice to replace the late Antonin Scalia.
The ad features the real estate mogul and candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in the 2016 election saying “delay, delay, delay” in regards to a potential Obama nominee. A voiceover adds:
“Donald Trump wants the Senate to delay filling the Supreme Court vacancy so he can choose the nominee next year. And Senator Kelly Ayotte is right there to help. Ayotte joined Trump and party bosses in refusing to consider any nominee, ignoring the Constitution.”
The super PAC plans to spend about $220,000 on the ad to push the claim that Ayotte is “ignoring the Constitution” and “not doing her job.” According to political experts and countless Republicans, including Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas, if Trump becomes the GOP nominee, he will cause many of the party’s congressional candidates to lose in November.
According to the latest polls, Ayotte faces a tough re-election battle against Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan in November and has picked up a Republican primary challenge along the way.
The ad is not a surprise. Since the passing of Scalia, the Democratic Party and several other organizations have announced that they plan to attack members of the Senate and the House, who have made it clear that they will oppose Obama’s successor to the Supreme Court – no matter, whom he picks and how qualified the person is.
Senate Majority PAC is airing ads against vulnerable Republicans in Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Ayotte campaign manager Jon Kohan said he “immediately condemned” the ad and demanded that it be removed.
Thanks for the help! If a candidate, especially Republican, ties themselves to the Donald, they will be re-elected.
Didn’t seem to be a problem for the Democrats when Joe Biden espoused the same sentiment in 1992 when Bush Sr was president. J/S
I second that motion. Complete establishment politician garbage. If only they realized adds like this are what makes people on both sides of the isle disgusted with Washington.
Not only did Biden make his comments, but didn’t the current president filibuster in the past when the shoe was on the other foot. I guess it depends on what side of the issue you are on. She is correct on this issue. NH and the rest of the country needs to address this after the election.
Yes, according to the Constitution of the United States of America, the President of the United States of America has the obligation to appoint a nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States, so do it.
But, also according to the Constitution of the United States of America, the United States Senate has the obligation to approve or disapprove the president’s nominee according to the recommendation of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The crying Democrats are just throwing insults at Republicans because the Republicans have a majority in the Senate the Democrats are just attempting to try the Republican Party by public opinion and gain votes in November. VERY, VERY CLEVER.
But the Crying Democrats were gloating when they had a majority in congress and voted in Obamacare just days before Republicans gained the majority in Congress in 2012. Poor Democrats, can’t win for losing. Will the Crying Democrats’ tactic work? We shall see in November.
We are so weary of the Republicans bashing the dems and the Dems bashing the Republicans. The Obama and Harry Reids of this world were saying to delay supreme court judges when Bush was in power. It is not a “constitutional” question. If it were, why did Obama take the stand that it would be wrong for Bush to nominate someone for the supreme court?
The Republicans are not any better. Does anyone remember the past 12 years and how the American people have been held hostage? When we ask “Where is our Bailout money? Obama has provided it. This is all on the backs of the next generation. But in all fairness the Republicans started the fiasco. Why overspend? My family has a budget within which we restrain our spending. Why not the government? Now that the national debt will more than DOUBLE under just one leader we need to pay attention before we go the way of Greece.
Quit playing politics. Balance the budget and help America flourish with less regulations and more funds available to small businesses. I don’t care what you call yourself. We need an effective leader. I am hoping for an independent frankly.
And let’s not pick a fight with everyone on this Earth. We can not be the policemen for the world and should not decide who is in power in other countries. Let’s try to get the right people in office in our country. And leaders when you are given much responsibility you have many people’s lives depending upon your behavior. RESPECT each other.
Appointing a Supreme Court Justice is most definitely very explicitly specified in the Constitution of the United States. Further, politics is not a game. Without political debate and elections democracy in America ceases to exist.
Republicans are pure obstructionists, worse than the national socialist groups of the past, who voted in blocks and hated all other groups other than white Christians… hmmm… I guess history really does repeat itself.
Sounds like the democrats want to remove young women who have their own minds from government.
I cant believe what I’m reading on here. Your opinons should be posted in a comic book as well as Carlos Rubio’s comments.
Please be able to back up your statements with facts not Donald Trumpism’s. Your only embarrasing yoursleves.
Republicans are the only party where you see women, latino, white and black in the primaries the true American party. Progressives (Democrats) is the new ISIS (IS)/Nazi party.
So, if Democrats follow the Constitution of the United States according to their political agenda, then that is OK. But if Republicans follow the Constitution of the United States according to their political agenda, then that is beening obstructionists. Sounds like sour grapes.
From the NY Times:
But in a speech on the Senate floor in June 1992, Mr. Biden, then the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said there should be a different standard for a Supreme Court vacancy “that would occur in the full throes of an election year.” The president should follow the example of “a majority of his predecessors” and delay naming a replacement, Mr. Biden said. If he goes forward before then, the Senate should wait to consider the nomination.
“Some will criticize such a decision and say that it was nothing more than an attempt to save a seat on the court in hopes that a Democrat will be permitted to fill it, but that would not be our intention,” Mr. Biden said at the time. “It would be our pragmatic conclusion that once the political season is underway, and it is, action on a Supreme Court nomination must be put off until after the election campaign is over.
What’s good for the Joe is good for the rest, no?
I am not taking sides, but you have to know both sides.
Funny how quick you real socialist / communist forget how many nominees were blocked by the real socialist party, the democratic party, before the bamster got in there. Republicans are nothing like the real communist in DC. Get your facts straight!
The DNC and especially people like Omega are not too low to blackmail, or deny any opposing view that may threaten decisions which will impact this nation in an inconsistent manner according to their own plan Some who want their own agenda to be fed, will stoop to any level in an attempt to coerce compliance, which is the real socialistic attitude we are witnessing.
When some are at a loss when it comes to defending their polarizing stance, the hidden purpose proves itself in how quickly the race card appears. This past decade can be defined by the knowledge of how the race card is presented in any venue that doesn’t embrace the DNC, whether good for this country or not.
This only further proves the attack is a hate crime leveled at Kelly Ayotte and any who dare to resist what is chosen as best for them.
Give it a break. This is America and so far we are still a free nation. America, love it or leave it. I am tired of all this rhetoric. When we lose the right and freedom to pursue our beliefs, we have become a nation controlled by the state, like the nations most of our immigrants are trying to flee.
The DNC and especially people like Omega are not too low to blackmail, or deny any opposing view that may threaten decisions which will impact this nation in an inconsistent manner according to their own plan. Some who want their own agenda to be fed, will stoop to any level in an attempt to coerce compliance, which is the real socialistic attitude we are witnessing.
When some are at a loss when it comes to defending their polarizing stance, the hidden purpose proves itself in how quickly the race card appears. This past decade can be defined by the knowledge of how the race card is presented in any venue that doesn’t embrace the DNC, whether good for this country or not.
This only further proves the attack is a hate crime leveled at Kelly Ayotte and any who dare to resist what is chosen as best for them.
Give it a break. This is America and so far we are still a free nation. America, love it or leave it. I am tired of all this rhetoric. When we lose the right and freedom to pursue our beliefs, we have become a nation controlled by the state, like the nations most of our immigrants are trying to flee.
When Obama doesn’t get his way, he uses executive orders to bypass the “obstructionists”. Without balance, our president is really just a dictator. That’s what the Democrats prefer – no one to say “no”.
Just Curious. How many times did George W. Bush use the Executive Order during his presidency? Was it more than all the other previous presidents combined?
No he did not. You could have easily checked this before making your statement.
The president is supposed to nominate Supreme Court Justices. The Senate is to provide advise and consent. This was to prevent corruption of the system. This President has corrupted every legal system he has addressed. From violating every law on the books concerning immigration, to violating gun smuggling laws, and has sided with every attempt to corrupt the constitution from every left wing loser that has come down the pike. He has even bragged that a Muslim Congressman has been sworn in with his right had on the Curan. He has consistently shown that he has no respect or appreciation of the constitution. Therefore the Senate is doing the exact right thing in holding him from disgracing and corrupting the Constitution and Supreme Court (the keepers of the constitution) with someone as blatantly disgraceful and anti-Constitutional as himself.
The ad is just posturing. These hypocritical buffoons are out of control. This President/wannabe king and his court of jesters point fingers at others while 4 fingers point back at them.
Far from their minds are the many infractions where the constitution has been intentionally ignored, misinterpreted, and abused by this administration. Look at the many slaps on the wrist this President has had from federal courts regarding executive order over-reach. Look at the state of race relations in this nation where the federal government medals in states responsibilities. Look at he many times when Harry Reid blocked debate and votes on legislation this administration didn’t like. And most recently, the immunity granted to the contractor/employee who set up Hillary Clinton’s illegal personal server.
And finally, the most overwhelmingly embarrassing guffaw by this administration, known as Obamacare, was the illegal buying of votes (much litigation is still being pursued), unscrupulous (Let’s see. If we bury a penalty for not having health insurance in this non-understood, unread law, we can impose another tax – without calling it that – on those least able to afford it.) and irresponsible (remember who said we need to pass the law to see what’s in it?), “spinning” and out right lies (You remember – “You can keep the doctor you have now.”)
Why is she considered Vulnerable?