Donald Trump may have attempted to end four years of birtherism with one sentence after he duped the media into promoting his hotel, but his good friend, Sean Hannity, is still toying with the idea that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
On his radio show, the die-hard Trump supporter decided to show his generosity by offering to pay for plane tickets for the entire Obama family to fly, you have guessed it to Kenya. The Fox News host said that he is eager to see Obama leave Washington and while at it why not leave the United States. Hannity said:
“I have an offer for the president. I will charter a plane for you and your family. I will charter it to the country of your choice. You want to go to Canada? I’ll pay for you to go to Canada. You want to go to Kenya? I’ll pay for you to go to Kenya. Jakarta [in Indonesia], where you went to school back in the day, you can go back there.”
Hannity went on to explain that he will charter the plane for Obama, Michelle, Sacha, and Malia “under the condition that they can’t come back.” For many years, Hannity openly questioned Obama’s place of birth and wondered about his religion because he grew up in Indonesia.
Believe it or not, Hannity came up with the idea of the plane tickets in response to a fake or satirical article that claimed that the Obamas were planning to move to Canada if Trump became president. The faux article read in part:
“The current U.S. president was speaking to the White House press corps when he expressed his “deep disappointment” with the republican party’s nominee, leading him and the First Lady to explore other options. “It’s something Michelle, the kids and I have discussed as a potential solution to the Donald,” he said. “I have also spoken with Prime Minister Trudeau who outlined Canada’s generous immigration policy for wealthy individuals, so we’ll see.”
Experts say that comments like these do not help the GOP with voters it needs to win presidential races.