Are Scott Disick and Lina Sandberg dating? Is it the reason for Kourtney Kardashian’s weight loss and anxiety? Several media outlets claimed that just months after getting dumped by Kardashian, Disick has been dating Sandberg – a hot model from Sweden, who looks a bit like Kardashian.
A Scott Disick–Lina Sandberg burgeoning romance is making big news and apparently it might be related to Kourtney Kardashian‘s weight loss, which has some of her fans worried.
This week, countless media outlets more or less confirmed the rumor that has been spreading around for months now – Disick is no longer single. The father of three was dumped by longtime partner Kourtney Kardashian, (the pair had been on and off since 2006), about six months ago for getting drunk, using drugs, being arrested and hospitalized for his addictions.
A close source to Kardashian explained in July why the reality star decided to kick Disick out of the family home for good. The spy claimed:
“Kourtney has always taken Scott back and been by his side, but now with three kids [Mason, 6, Penelope, 3, and Reign, 1] it has gotten old. Kourtney has to do what’s best for the kids.”
Just weeks after the romance ended, Scott Disick, who had been praising Kardashian on social media, was pictured getting very cozy with his ex-lover, Chloe Bartoli, in the south of France.
He denied that they were together and explained that they were just friends on vacation and enjoying themselves. Six months after his highly-publicized split, it looks like Disick has found love. The “Lord” of cars, watches and the king of night club openings is seriously hooking up with Swedish model Lina Sandberg. A source said:
“She and Scott have been seeing each other.They had been trying to keep things under wraps and are surprised that it got out.”
Sandberg and Disick are both fans of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and enjoy private planes and seafood. While the duo is very active on Instagram, they have yet to share a picture where they are seen together.
If things work out, expect Sandberg to move in with Disick in his newly purchased $5.96 million mansion next to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West in the Hidden Hills neighborhood. Disick’s new home features seven-bedroom, seven-bath, multiples family rooms, an open floor plan, a chef’s kitchen, a guest suite and plenty of outdoor space including a pool, spa, patios, and a basketball court.
During the year-end holidays, Disick announced he was a changed man after learning that Lamar Odom had overdosed – he checked himself into rehab and apologized for his actions. He said:
“I’m sure you guys have heard a lot of horrible things about me that I should have just been honest with but I was too ashamed that I was going to hurt everybody in this family and not just her. I’ve apologized to Kourtney a hundred times but I’ve never apologized to like all of you for letting all of you down and embarrassing you guys.”
He added:
“I understand I need to help myself before I can help her or my kids.”
Meanwhile, Kardashian, who was dating Justin Bieber, has taken to her blog to reveal that her recent weight loss is due to her eating problems and obsessive exercising. Kardashian showed off her super slim figure in a selfie (pic below), and she confessed:
“I’m generally not a nervous person but I get anxious. I also get nauseated; I feel like I can’t eat when it is really bad, but I force myself to stay healthy, I’m coping with anxiety”
As long as he takes care of his children I think it’s great that he is dating someone else. When you have a bossy girlfriend it’s easy to get pushed back into your old ways.Even when he was doing well she found something to criticize him for. He needs to move on and be with someone he can be comfortable with. Here’s to you Scott! Have the best 2016 you can.
I agree. Scott needed to get out of that relationship. She was not good for him.
He was not good for her!! DRUNK. Good luck to anyone who end up with that mental case.
Scott has been rock bottom for along time an needs to stop blaming loss of his parents an other people or changes in his life like depression ….he was rock bottom way before that . Addiction causes these negative changes an consequences its time to get strong an change your life now before its too late, maybe go visit Lamar daily could give him the strength he needs to get better an at the same time it could help Lamar too. Scott needs to work on himself before letting anyone in his life. Family First should be a priority while working on your self, not a new girlfriend…. not just yet anyway Good Luck Scott I’m hoping you can do this for you an you kids Best Wishes One Day @ a Time Scott One Minute @ time If need Be !! I’m a Fan or yours not enemy .
Well said Sandy…My thoughts all along..Go visit Lamar Odom and be thankful you did not end this way..Keep up your destructive ways and you will end up next bed over from Lamar… As a Mother watching her loved one for too many years living a destructive lifestyle…and watching drugs win is very disturbing…As in Lamars and Scotts case there are children involved..and do we want the children to have to worry about when they are going to see their Daddy or Mommy next???
Oh I feel so sorry for her…sitting there in a closet full of shoes and clothing that’s bigger than my entire living room. (Serious eye roll) It’s always drama with this family. Whether it’s conjured up or written in, that’s how they keep people glued and tuned into their show.
Last I heard Scott is NOT married to anyone. She seem to be the one that wanted kids without marriage. It feels like she puts him out every three months or so, & won’t let him be a man. Who in their right mine would not be feed up with that. I hope he gets out of that family & stays away for real. Bruce, Lamar,& that West fellow are all gone & Scott you need to join them ASAP!!
I, for one, am happy for Scott. Best wishes! It is obvious he loves his kids. All that matters.
Run Scott, run! As far away as you can from the money and fame-hungry family. They are a disgrace to families everywhere. Now stay sober and start acting your age, you’re not a teenager so time to put on your big boy knickers!
I am happy for Scott… Kourtney would drive ANYONE to drink, seriously she treated him terribly