Savannah Guthrie is a new mom, so it did not surprise her Today Show co-hosts to learn that the unthinkable happened – she overslept and came to work very late. Via Twitter, Savannah Guthrie detailed her little ordeal and begged her bosses not to fire her.
Savannah Guthrie has learned the hard way not to hit the snooze button on her alarm clock too many times. On Thursday morning, Savannah Guthrie took to Twitter to explain to her followers that she would probably be late to work.
You heard correctly, Savannah Guthrie, who is a host on live television had overslept. Between her hectic work schedule, her 6-month-old baby girl, Vale, who is still not sleeping through the night, and the epic Siberian Express cold that hit the East, poor Savannah tried to catch few extra zs by ignoring or silencing her wake-up call.
On her way to the studio, Savannah Guthrie took to the networking site Twitter where she told her followers that for the first time in many years, she was very late for work. The Today show host went on to jokingly ask executive producer Don Nash not give her the boot. Guthrie wrote:
“This is a first. Overslept @Studio1Adon please be merciful.”
Few minutes later, Savannah Guthrie went on to add:
“Can’t today wait until tomorrow?”
Nash never replied, but by the looks of things, the 43-year-old mother of one did not lose her gig, because one hour after her tweet, Savannah was hosting the show. According to Savannah Guthrie’s co-host, Collin Ulness, she was able to make it in the studio by 6:50 AM, just in the nick of time for hair and makeup.
Like a professional, Mrs Michael Feldman appeared calm and collected as ever on air and by the way her hair and makeup looked flawless. Many of her fans and few TV anchors took to Twitter to say that it has happened to the best of us. One commentator said:
“Show me a person who has not overslept, go Savannah, you have this.”
A reporter named Sara Dayley, stated:
“You are human, sometimes your body can’t take it anymore, it happens to reporters all the time, particularly those who also have small children.”
In related Savannah Guthrie news, The Drudge Report is claiming that she has been picked to replace Brian Williams who has been suspended for sharing fake stories. The site stated:
“Executives have narrowed in on Guthrie in recent days, sources reveal. Anchorman Brian Williams continues to fight for survival after more revelations of exaggeration surfaced.”
If Savannah Guthrie takes Brian Williams’ spot, she will be able to sleep in the morning. What are your thoughts on the popular TV personality?
You’re only human, Savannah!! It’s hard to be “SUPERMOM”, to make sure you get enough rest, taking care of your family, and getting to work on time…..BUT….in our eyes….YOU ARE A “SUPERMOM”!!
She’s getting paid millions to not oversleep. Where’s the Nanny. Why do people worship these broadcasters who make millions?
Don’t you want another gift from god fun isn’t it
This photo with the baby just shows that without professional makeup and judicious studio lighting, these TV “celebrities” look just like the people in a small town trailer park.
I for one never use the snooze. It is a very bad habbit to get started. My son does it all the time. Drives me crazy.
Even when she is on the air it is a snooze fest. They should fire her regardless. They are trying to make her into a morning star. It isn’t working. Give the job to Hoda, who they should have hired from the beginning!