A Salvation Army kettle ring donation is inspiring others to give pricey jewelry to the charity. In 2014, a widow dropped two rings in a Salvation Army kettle in Massachusetts, this year, another anonymous donor gave a diamond ring to the organization.
Another Salvation Army kettle ring donation in Massachusetts is making headlines. Monday was a great day for the Salvation Army, thanks to Capt. David Childs, who collects donations for the organization, and a very generous donor. Childs, who can be seen bell ringing at the Market Basket in Billerica, discovered that a person had dropped a diamond ring and a wedding band in his kettle. Childs explained that the day started off very badly with little donations, only to return to headquarters to find two rings in his red kettle. The Salvation Army collector spoke to local media, and shared:
“I was quite shocked actually, I paused for a moment and I said, I found a ring!”
The wedding band and diamond engagement ring, which were appraised at $3,500, will be auctioned off at Lowell Corps’ annual Radiothon on 980 WCAP-AM Saturday, December 12. The money will buy toys, meals for the holidays, and fund soup kitchens, social services and education programs throughout the year. Childs added:
“Many of us are energized by this, knowing people are willing to give a lot. This is the first time a ring’s been donated in our area. Maybe we’re seeing a new trend.”
Last December, an anonymous widow’s donation of her wedding and diamond engagement rings outside of Boston’s North Station led to a spree of jewelry donations across the state. In total, the Salvation Army received 15 different jewelry donations valued at $30,000. The widow was eventually reunited with her rings after a second donor pledged $21,000 to The Salvation Army for the rings. Maj. David B. Davis, a divisional commander of the Massachusetts Salvation Army, stated:
“Massachusetts has developed a special relationship with red kettles, and these incredibly heartwarming gifts continue to overwhelm and inspire our staff, bellringers, and volunteers. Donations, large and small, help us to help our neighbors in need during the holiday season and throughout the year, and we’re moved by this latest gift in Lowell.”