Rosario Dawson adopts 12-year-old girl and instantly becomes a cool, and inspirational mother. Dawson, who is single, had always talked about her plans to adopt one day because she is thankful her step-dad took that step when she was just a baby.
Rosario Dawson adopts a 12-year-old daughter, story grabs headlines and she is applauded for picking an older child.
A close source to Dawson, has revealed that the star has made her dreams of being a mother come true. After a long process, in October, Dawson became a first-time mom to a preteen.
The star will be single mother – she ended her one-year romance with Slumdog Millionaire director Danny Boyle in the spring of 2013.
The insider stated that Rosario Dawson is over the moon, she had always wanted a child and hopes that she will have a loving relation with her daughter like the one she had with her mother.
The 35-year-old actress opened in the past about her intention to adopt children. In 2008, during an interview with Latina Magazine, Dawson said:
“I always wanted to adopt kids ’cause my Dad adopted me.That idea has stayed in the back of my head, but lately, I’ve been thinking about it more. My mother and grandmother are extraordinary women, and they’re getting older. It struck me recently that one day I might be sitting around with my children, going ‘Your grandma was an amazing woman; I really wish you could’ve known her.’ That makes me sad ’cause it would be a waste to not have these people know each other. Whatever time I have, I want it.”
The actress revealed in the same interview that not knowing her biological father did not leave a void in her. She also explained that the fact that her stepfather, Greg Dawson, made the decision to adopt and love her when she was 1 has inspired her to welcome a child in her home and her heart. Dawson shared:
“My dad started dating my mom when she was eight months pregnant with me.He was beautiful. I wanted to be him. I love my father, he is amazing to me. I was daddy’s little girl growing up.”
Rosario Dawson’s adoption is not at all surprising due to the fact that she does a lot of charity work to help those in need including orphans.
The same month she adopted her daughter, she hosted a gala to raise funds for OAfrica. Dawson, who is currently promoting her new film Top Five (also staring Chris Rock out December 12th), took part in Operation “Give With Gusto” on Monday, which consisted of performing unexpected good deeds for random strangers.
Along with the funny picture above, she tweeted the following inspirational message:
“As we give of ourselves, outside of our selves, let’s remember to take care of our selves. Compassion starts within. Be kind to yourself. #LoveUnconditional #PayItForward #GivingTuesday #BeTheChange.”
Rosario Dawson adopts 12-year-old and is praised by hundreds of people for picking an older child because they always get overlooked.