Robyn Lawley unretouched bikini pictures have sparked an intense debate on the internet over what is being plus-sized really means. The hot sexy photos also have some asking if unretouched and unaltered images deserve so much coverage in the media.
Robyn Lawley, a 25-year-old Australian model who has made fashion history by being the first or second plus-size model to cover magazines like Vogue, Elle and GQ is now trying to expand the swimwear line she launched in 2013 with Bond-Eye Swimwear.
In order to bring attention to her brand that was featured at the Miami swim show this week, Lawley started posting unretouched bikini photos on social media this month to prove that what she has to offer is different and more authentic.
In one of the sexiest unedited pics she posted Robyn Lawley can be seen smiling, looking down a bit while sporting a string bikini that showed her curvy body. The unretouched makeup free photo got a lot of attention and may have given the model more than she had hoped for.
Some women took issue with the fact that society has turned a normal woman into a plus-sized model, a tag which they think she does not qualify for. Robyn Lawley is 6 ft 2 which means that she is on the taller side of the spectrum, those ladies believe that plus-size should only be reserved to those who wear higher than size 14. Lawley is a size 12.
Robyn Lawley shot back at her critics saying that they are targeting the wrong person and that she is fighting to bring positive change to her industry. The aspiring photographer added that the “plus size” tag was given to her by fashion insiders and that she is against it because ultimately all sizes should be celebrated and embraced equally.
Robyn Lawley believes that her unretouched and unedited bikini photos are a step in the right direction and intends to continue on this path.
Is the plus size model the one taking the pictures? By plus size she means one size bigger than the other models!
this very beautiful model is a normal size, at least she does not look like skin and bone!
I don’t know where the industry gets being a 12 is a plus size! I consider any size above 16 a plus size.
If Plus size means she’s 6′-2″. So what. She is stunning!!!
Yes, this piece has no business receiving any attention in the “news.” Robyn Lawley “stuns” when she wears a size 12 bikini in an un-retouched photo! Robyn is a beautiful woman who is by no means a “plus” size. Is it any wonder American females of all ages spend so much time trying diet after diet and asking friends, “do I look fat?”
To obtain the ideal, they starve themselves so they can satisfy America’s battle with the scale and dress size. I compliment Robyn for showing that a size 12 woman can have a body with sexy, feminine curves and not feel intimidated to wear a bikini to the beach.