Robert Downey Jr. got a pardon from California Governor Jerry Brown for crimes he committed almost 20 years ago. Downey’s pardon is being criticized because it is believed that Brown made the move after the actor donated to his campaign and organizations dear to his heart.
Robert Downey Jr. receives a pardon from California Governor Jerry Brown, and some are slamming him. It will be a very Merry Christmas for Downey, who now has the right to vote after Brown announced that The Avengers and The Iron Man star along with 90 other people had applied and received executive clemency from the California governor.
Mr. Downey has had several run-ins with the law including drug-related arrests in 1996, 2000, 2001. The 1996 prison sentence was the longest with Downey serving one year and three months behind bars, two years on parole and nearly three years on probation for his convictions.
He was charged with possession of a controlled substance, carrying a concealed weapon in a vehicle with a prior conviction, driving under the influence and use of a controlled substance. In early 2000, after several rehab stints, countless embarrassing mugshots, and missed acting gigs, Downey changed his ways and became an exemplary citizen – only getting into scuffles with reporters, who asked him stupid questions.
This year, like any ordinary California resident, who has been convicted of a crime or crimes, he asked the governor for a pardon. The mega star like others had to apply and obtain a court order declaring he is rehabilitated and demonstrated that he has a “productive and law-abiding life following the conviction.”
Since 2008, the actor has become a beloved figure for little boys thanks to his role in the Iron Man franchise and The Avengers. He has also picked up two Oscar nominations for his roles in 1992 film Chaplin and Tropic Thunder in 2008. On Christmas Eve, Mr. Brown’s office issued a statement saying that Downey had received a full and unconditional pardon. The governor said:
“Pardons are not granted unless they are earned …since then, Downey has paid his debt to society. He has lived an honest and upright life, exhibited good moral character and conducted himself as a law-abiding citizen.”
Some are wondering about the relationship between Brown and Downey. In October, the star was inducted into the California Hall of Fame by the governor. Downey donated $5,000 to Brown’s 2014 re-election bid and gave $50,000 this year to a charter school the Democratic governor started when he was mayor of Oakland – the Oakland School for the Arts.
I cringe at the word “pardon.” It implies to me that he was wrongly convicted and punished. To get clemency and released seems more correct terminology and I’ll leave it to Brown to take the heat for clemency, but “pardon” implies Downey was a victim, and I don’t think that’s the case. I don’t think that the criminal justice system wronged him in any way.
Ugh. That arrogant twerp is as despicable as the politicians he rubs elbows with.
I guess he isn’t be a liberal afte rall. One of his charges was for carrying a concealed firearm and we all know that liberals do not want anyone to have the right to conceal carry right? So, he must be a republican. I now like him. 🙂
I have watched Robert’s progress from the time he was part of the ‘Brat Pack’. He has worked and is working extremely hard to maintain an amazing disciplined life which is completely opposite of the lifestyle he used to live. He is an example for all of us who have made mistakes in the past. Thank you for your courage and forbearance,Robert. You are no less than amazing.