Robert a man who suffers from amnesia is hoping that his television appearances will lead to his family finding him. The man dubbed “Robert Amnesia” by the media was found unconscious in a London bus station two months ago. The 20-something old amnesiac individual had no identification paper on him and has no recollection of his past. British authorities believe the man who is a great basketball player might be from Easter Europe because he is fluent in Russian and Lithuanian.
On May 18 a young man was found unconscious in a park near a bus station located in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire in England. Police questioned the man, but he was unable to remember his name, age and address.
He was taken to the Cavell Centre at Peterborough City Hospital, where medical experts gave him the nick name “Robert”.
Doctors who examined the man think that he is in his early twenties and might be from Russia or Lithuania because he understands the two languages.
He is fluent in English and loves to play basketball and tennis. Amnesiac Robert, is 5ft 9in, weighs about a 180 pounds and has blue eyes.
When police found the individual he was wearing a Champions League watch, but for some strange reason he showed no interest in the World Cup and was not able to remember which team he supports.
Talking to local media, Robert said suffering from amnesia is frustrating and depressing.
He is hoping someone will recognize him and call British authorities and reunite him with his love ones.
Dr Manaan Kar Ray who is working with Robert said that he had never seen a patient so severely hit with amnesia in his 15-year career.
In the last two months amnesiac Robert has made no progress which has doctors wondering was he tortured or did he go through a great tragedy that lead to this situation.