Ricardo Alekzander Lara is said to be in danger after being kidnapped by his father, Ricardo Lara Martinez, who is believed to have killed the child’s mother, Maria Isabel Romero Medina, on Saturday. The Texas Department of Public Safety has issued an AMBER Alert for Ricardo Alekzander Lara who might be traveling with his father from Denton to Mexico.
Ricardo Alekzander Lara has been kidnapped and Texas police are asking anyone with information on the whereabouts of the child to call 911 or (940) 349-7919.
According to the police, on Saturday, Ricardo Alekzander Lara‘s mother, Maria Isabel Romero Medina, was found dead at her office.
The body of 27-year-old Maria Isabel Romero Medina was discovered at Sanchez Insurance Co. in the 1100 block of East McKinney St. in Denton near Dallas.
Members of the Denton Police Department were quickly called to the scene by the client and employee, who found the remains. When police learned that Medina’s 4-year-old son, Ricardo Alekzander Lara, and his father, Ricardo Lara Martinez, were missing, they issued an AMBER Alert.
Police believe that Medina may have been murdered by Ricardo Lara Martinez during a lovers dispute. Family members say that Maria Isabel Romero Medina split from Ricardo Lara Martinez few weeks ago and he was not handling it well.
The relatives also said that the last time they heard from Medina was on Saturday around 4 PM via text message. It is alleged that Ricardo Alekzander Lara, who was abducted by his father is in grave danger.
Martinez is described as a Hispanic male with brown hair and brown eyes. Ricardo Lara Martinez is 5′-5″ tall and weighs 150 lbs. As for Ricardo Alekzander Lara, he is three feet tall, weighs 55 lbs., has brown hair and brown eyes.
Martinez was believed to be on foot, but family members say that he might be attempting to flee to Mexico with his son.
If you have any information on Ricardo Alekzander Lara, please call the police.
A “lover’s dispute”? Guys, that’s called domestic violence. There is nothing loving about it. Please stop using trite sayings like that.
I so totally agree!
why isn’t there a link to put this on facebook.