Princess Theodora Sayn-Wittgenstein drunken rant has cast a bad light on her family. The strange story of a German princess being fined over a drunken rant has gone viral. Princess Theodora Sayn-Wittgenstein appeared in a Scottish court last week hiding under a brown wig where she was slapped with a $1700 fine for ranting about killing Muslims at a party. In May, Theodora Sayn-Wittgenstein took part in the annual University of St Andrews Oktoberfest party where she got drunk, stripped naked, fought with authorities and told first aide responder Farah Jasmin Hussain that during her manicure she ponders of the numerous Muslims she could kill. It has now come to light that her family worked for Adolf Hitler.
On Thursday disgraced German princess Theodora Sayn-Wittgenstein who was arrested last month for assault, disturbing the peace aggravated by religious prejudice and disorderly conduct had her day in court.
Princess Theodora Sayn-Wittgenstein wearing a bizarre brunette wig showed up at Dundee Sheriff Court in Scotland with her father Prince Ludwig by her side.
Back in May, her Serene Highness Theodora Sayn-Wittgenstein attended the Oktoberfest party at St. Andrews college in Scotland and clearly drank too much alcohol.
The drunk 27-year-old removed her clothes, attempted to climb a fence and fought with the college’s security guards who attempted to restrain her from further hurting and embarrassing herself.
After kicking and headbutting the guards, Theodora Sayn-Wittgenstein went into a crazy rant about the fact the her “humane rights” were being violated.
But that is not all she ranted about.
As they waited for the arrival of Scottish authorities, guards lead Theodora Sayn-Wittgenstein into a first aide tent where medical personal Farah Hussein was caring for her and trying to dress her.
Theodora Sayn-Wittgenstein went into an anti-Muslim rant where she told Farah Hussein that earlier in the day she was thinking about eliminating people from her community:
“I was doing my nails this morning. I wondered how many Muslims I could kill.”
The racist statement left Hussein in tears as she fled the room.
The German royal also fought with the police when they tried to handcuff her, which lead to putting her in leg restraints in order to take her to jail.
Princess Theodora Sayn-Wittgenstein drunken rant prompted a slap on the wrist in the form of a $1700 fine.
Miss Sayn-Wittgenstein was scolded by both the judge and her lawyer Douglas Williams for her shameful behavior.
Douglas Williams claimed the royal family is surprised by Theodora’s drunken rampage and racist remarks for she is a good student with a degree in international relations and lived several years in Jordan because she loved the culture.
Princess Theodora Sayn-Wittgenstein rant has lead to some digging in her closet, where it was discovered that her grandfather Ludwig Ferdinand Prinz zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg was a decorated Nazi soldier under Adolf Hitler who took part in the invasion of Poland and France where he killed dozens of Jews during the Second World War.