Prince Harry makes baby cry at an event in New Zealand, and the story goes viral. While meeting locals at the outside of the War Memorial Centre in Whanganui, a smiling Prince Harry tried to interact with baby Sammy Kedrewaca, who burst out in tears.
Prince Harry made a baby cry during his trip to New Zealand. On Wednesday, Prince Harry marked his 6th day in Oceania, and he was invited by officials to tour the War Memorial Centre in Whanganui.
The Prince greeted a large group of people who were waiting for hours outside of the center under the rain to meet him. Charlotte Elizabeth Diana‘s uncle stopped to shake hands with Emeline, a 30-year-old woman from Fiji, who brought her 6-month-old baby, Sammy Kedrewaca, to the gathering.
Thrilled to see the baby boy, who was wearing a “little cutie” jacket, Prince Harry tried to touch the child’s hand and play with him, but things did not go as planned. First the baby grimaced at the Prince and later cried and cried some more.
Amused and a bit embarrassed by the incident, Prince Harry apologized to the mother. “Harry said he was really cute then tried to shake his hand, but he got scared and started to cry,” Emeline told local media.
She went on to explain that Prince Harry was overall charming and that Sammy was being a normal baby, who got scared because he was meeting a complete stranger. “He just stepped back and said sorry, he was so lovely,” the mom added.
An 82-year-old man named Terri Leddy was more delighted to talk to Prince Harry. He told his highness that he met his late great-grandmother Queen Mother in Wellington in 1958.
An emotional Prince Harry replied by saying that he misses her very much. James Bartosh, who will be 100 in July, got a special birthday message from the Prince.
Harry, who will be in the country until May 16, went canoeing with the Union Boat Club, listened to school children sing, got a wedding proposal, did the traditional Maori greeting – a hongi with members of the government and danced with tribe members.
What are your thoughts on Prince Harry’s encounter with the crying baby?
Prince Harry adorably makes a baby cry: http://t.co/9jPhRFAcYR pic.twitter.com/Ih4kPJTzcb
— AOL.com (@AOL) May 14, 2015
http://t.co/RD4fAq28k4 Not So Charming! Prince Harry Makes a Baby Cry #Fanuendo pic.twitter.com/pxCuDcTJi8
— Fanuendo (@Fanuendo) May 14, 2015
Who wants to Hongi (a Kiwi/New Zealand traditional ritual of welcome by touching noses) with Prince Harry? | via EPA pic.twitter.com/MdQHB00cWg
— The Philippine Star (@PhilippineStar) May 9, 2015
What a cute baby. Hope Prince Harry knows that baby Charlotte is going to cry when he meets her.
My great-niece, who is also a ginger, cried when her uncle tried to hold her. My nephew is a ginger just like Prince Harry. And my nephew doesn’t have children…yet!