Plus-size model’s tell-all memoir Hungry, chronicled a difficult journey at the intersection between fashion and body image. Four years after the release of her fascinating book, model and author Crystal Renn, is back doing some more talking.
The plus-size model memoir changed the conversation in the fashion industry when it was released in 2009. Hungry, which was co-authored by Marjorie Ingall gave Crystal Renn a venue to share her story.
Renn’s journey although very unique has a lot of similarities with those of other models who had to deal with anorexia and other body image issues. Renn triumphed over adversity and found her voice as a successful and acclaimed plus-sized model.
While she has worked for brands like Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, H&M, Jean Paul Gautier and Jimmy Choo, the 28-year-old author still wants to conquer new grounds and go higher. About her future, Renn told the Telegraph:
“I am interested in design, photography, acting, styling, travel and directing. I love all the possibilities and want to experiment as much as I can because I think that is the best part of life, creation.”
During the lengthy interview, the Florida native also addressed the reasons that push her to publish her first book, Hungry: A Young Model’s Story of Appetite, Ambition, and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves in 2009. She said:
“I wanted people to question preconceived notions about what it means to be beautiful and the dangerous lengths some are willing to go to attain this. I know I used to have warped thinking but I changed and I wanted to help others change too.”
In Hungry, Renn explained that when she was 14, people in the fashion industry asked her to lose weight if she wanted to be successful in the business. For years Renn has battled with anorexia, losing up to 42 percent of her body weight. She had to regain 70 pounds to reach a healthier version of herself.
The model eventually got the best of her demons and is seen as a role model for young women trying to make a way in the tough industry.
Crystal Renn is now a size 12 (US) and is a highly popular plus-sized model.