Phil Robertson and Ted Cruz are hunting buddies, according to a new ad. The Duck Dynasty star endorsed Cruz for president in a particular ad where they are seen hunting for ducks.
A Phil Robertson–Ted Cruz connection over hunting, face paint, and Obama‘s Iran deal has led to an endorsement. On Wednesday, Cruz, who is being derailed by Donald Trump, tried to change the topic. The business mogul is claiming that since Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother – he is not qualified to be president.
The politician from Texas, famous for reading Dr. Seuss‘ Green Eggs And Ham on the Senate floor and for shutting down the government, was endorsed by Robertson. The reality star appeared in a new ad with Cruz wearing camo gear and face paint and hunting ducks.
Cruz with his face covered with brown paint is featured in the clip where he is seen with a gun searching for birds. At the beginning of the clip, Robertson explained that he is not qualified to be president. The star of A&E’s Duck Dynasty revealed:
“My qualifications for president of the United States are rather narrow.”
The Robertson patriarch went on to explain why he is voting for Cruz in this year’s presidential election. He stated:
“Is he or she godly, does he or she love us, can he or she do the job, and finally would they kill a duck and put him in a pot and make him a good duck gumbo? I’ve looked at the candidates; Ted Cruz is my man. He fits the bill. He’s godly, he loves us, he’s the man for the job, and he will go duck hunting — because today we’re going.”
At the end of the video, Robertson turns to Cruz and says:
“You’re one of us, my man. That’s why we’re voting for you.”
Cruz said in a statement that he is thrilled to have Robertson’s support for his campaign, and added:
“The Robertsons are a strong family of great Christian faith and conservative values. Phil’s story of starting off with something small and working hard to achieve the American dream is inspiring. Much like my parents, and many other Americans, who started a small business and worked hard to provide for our family. If we as conservatives come together in 2016 and fight for the values that have made this country exceptional, we will win the White House and turn this country around.”
While Phil Robertson is throwing his support behind Ted Cruz, his son, Willie Robertson, was pushing Gov. Bobby Jindal, and later moved to Donald Trump. Cruz will need more endorsements to have the media stop questioning him about the $500,000 loans from Goldman and Citi (where his wife worked) he borrowed for his Senate run in 2012 and failed to report to the Federal Election Commission.
Duck Dynasty guys I thought were smarter than that. They want to endorse a guy that is even less eligible than BHO. At least (supposedly) he was born in a US state. Ted was born to one legal US citizen in a foreign country. So if you use the same reasoning, he would be a Canadian citizen. Natural born does not even enter into it. One more thing. No matter who or what organization decides to endorse a candidate, that certainly should not influence who anyone votes for. Hillary has the endorsement of an organization that loves to abort human babies. If someone performs some sort of animal cruelty they are sought out diligently by authorities to punish, but let some so-called doctor take a child from a human mother and kill it that is OKAY?
Doesn’t make any kind of sense, does it?