Tag: Discovery Channel

Mythbusters‘ last episode aired on Saturday and President Barack Obama was among the people, who decided...

Deadliest Catch Reveal: Drug Reveal Marks Turning Point For Captain Elliott Neese On Discovery Channel Show
May 22, 2015
Deadliest Catch‘s big reveal included Captain Elliott Neese leaving Saga for rehab to battle his drug...

Sons Of Guns Stars Arrested For Child Abuse: Stephanie Hayden and Kris Ford Accused Of Beating 9-Year-Old Son With A Belt
October 26, 2014
Sons Of Guns stars have been arrested. Stephanie Hayden and Kris Ford who starred in the...

Alaskan Bush People Charged: Stars Of Reality Show Charged
October 23, 2014
Alaskan Bush People charged with fraud and felony theft. The Brown family who is famous for...