Paulina Porizkova’s bikini body amazes at 50, and her pictures have gone viral. Via Twitter, the ageless model known as Paulina Porizkova shared few bikini photos that will have women running to get Estee Lauder’s SPF Creme.
Paulina Porizkova‘s bikini body at 50 has people talking – in a single word – absmazing! In an attempt to break Twitter, Czech-born American and Swedish model Paulina Porizkova, who turned 50 back in April, posted two sizzling bikini pictures of herself.
In one photo, Paulina wears a blue bikini and effortlessly floats in a beautiful beach in Florida. The tiny black and white bikini exposed Porizkova’s hard abs, toned legs and well-defined arms. She wrote underneath:
“Florida, time off. #brian Magallones #fiftynomakeup.”
Paulina Porizkova tweeted another snapshot, which was taken in the Dominican Republic. The mother of two (19-year-old Jonathan and Oliver, 15), who showed off her stunning body in a cute aqua string bikini, captioned the photo:
“The Blue Hole in Punta Cana. Boy, some good water!”
Porizkova has been married to Ric Ocasek, lead singer for the rock band The Cars, since 1989. She began her modeling career in 1984 but was already well known as a toddler. Her parents were caught in an international court battle when Czechoslovak authorities made it impossible for them to see her for seven years as she was living with her grandmother in Sweden.
As the first woman from Central Europe to grace the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, she went on to appear in Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, Self, Cosmopolitan and Glamour. She also landed a $6,000,000 contract with Estée Lauder and published a novel, A Model Summer.
Paulina Porizkova recently revealed that being a model and being surrounded by the best products in the industry made her abuse them. She revealed:
“It was a nightmare. I’m a product whore, so anything you gave me, I experimented with. I drank, I smoked, I’d tumble into bed with a full face of makeup on and go to work and say, ‘Look, I’m already done up.’ Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t.”
Porizkova claimed that Estee Lauder Daywear Advanced Multi-protection Anti-oxidant Creme SPF is the real secret to her healthy-looking skin.
“I went to a party for Estée Lauder … they had some scientists there, and I said, ‘What’s the good stuff? What’s the stuff I really need to use?’ Both of them looked at me and said, ‘Use SPF,” she explained. “And I’ve used it every day since. I feel like a vampire if I go out without it.”
What do you think of Paulina Porizkova’s bikini body at 50?
I would like to see more. The angles are not close enough for my taste.
google images, Paulina Porizkova
Or rather her name first then click on images above
She looks like Sarah Palin
That’s just mean.
Paulina’s book is very refreshing, and tells her life story about her days in Paris and become the it girl in fashion industry. Never knew she had that king of language. Keep it classy.
I would hit. No sure she would be interested in bartender with 3 kids, but if yes, call me.
paulina porizkova had surgery here, there and here. that is Hollywood for you, showing you the impossible and then saying hey you can do that do as you sit on your coach, work at Burger King and raise 5 kids.
Yep ain’t gonna happen.
My 50yr old wife, 5’4″ 135lbs is only 3 pounds more today than she was in high school and she had 4 kids, I only weigh 197 lbs now
@ 6′ just 5 lbs. more than I did back then as well. We by no means could afford a touch here or there. We don’t pig out, we don’t drink except on a special occasion and then only a few. We both still work, she in warehousing and me in construction and are always busy, not your typical burger king worker raising 5 kids while sitting on their coach, lol, but yes if you take care of yourself, then there is nothing other than gluttony, a medical condition or plain laziness that will cause you to get fat as far as I know, but then I’m no doctor. BUT Yep it does happen, we are living proof.
I am just short of 50.. I hve always taken pride in myself.. wear same size as I did in highschool.. juniors 3 I am 5, 1′, 109 lbs.. I lift heavy weights 3 days a week… eat a clean non processed diet and drink lots of water… I have modeled in print and other fundraisers on my Harley… I have underactive thyroid which cause me to gain weight very easily so I work extra hard.. not to mention screws in my back and other very serious health issues at this time.. people are lazy and ALLOW themselves to be FAT … I think women that take care of themselves at ANY AGE is beautiful and sexy… no matter what age… t=rather then judge others, look in the mirror and think of how you can make your body and mind a better thing!.. stop the hate… you don’t have to be rich or have surgeries to be lean and beautiful, just pride in yourself
I have gained a lot of weight in the last 30 years, and it is not because I am a eating fool. Sure I like my goodies now and then but I have had Thyroid Cancer and this condition caused me to be Diabetic and HypoCalcemic (which destroys your bone mass). So it pisses me off when people judge me and think I am fat because I am a pig. Even though you state you don’t judge, you are by saying I have allowed myself to get fat… I have not allowed anything it just happen and I have no control over it. I know that a lot of people do just allow it, but I hate being put in that category by people who do not know. Sorry just had to vent after reading your post…..
Hollywood has nothing to do with her beauty.. sure some people treat themselves to a little treat to keep the youth.. nothing wrong with that… people that love and take pride in themselves will take care of themselves, invest time to eat clean and train hard, be the best you can be… rather then beating someone down.. look in the mirror…. and do something about yourself that will give you the BEST body and attitude you can have… nothing more UN-attractive then a jealous insecure woman
@Sherryl jealous much. Paulina looks beautiful for her age.
Stop hating and go find your own bliss. If you looked like that, you would be at a beach somewhere in Louisiana or near a lake/pond in the deep South showing it off.
so true….I would bet Sherryl is a fat miserable, insecure person…. rather then beating someone down, work on yourself and appreciate the beauty in other women…
Lol at sherryl.
I have to say she is stunning and it is always nice to hear a busy woman/mom finding time for herself and her body.
As we get older, life, family, work even our pets (have to say I love my two cats and three dogs) become priorities and we lose the will power to care for ourselves. Remember ladies you deserve some down time and TLC (not the network tender love and care).
You look fab Paulina, keep it up and your man will stay home.
Ok I’s not batsh$t conservative, far from it, but geez, at 50 go put on some clothes. Paulina could be a grandmother at that age. Have some decency and stop modeling topless no matter how good your plastic surgeon tells you you look. Do all celebrities act like Kim Kardashian and Madonna? Back in the days famous females used to ooze class and glamour with long gowns and gowns that wowed.
My mother is from the Czech Republic and she used to by a perfume called Beautiful because of Paulina was the face of it. Paulina made my mother proud, she represented us so well.
She is stunning thanks to Botox.No I’m not a hater, just saying like it is.All those models Crawford, Campbell, Irland and even the new ones Kandell, Gigi and Balwin had work done to please the brands and look good in ads.
Happy Birthday Paulina, I know I’m late but a hot mama like you deserves all the sweet things that come your way. All the best.
Will your kids model too? They look so much like you.
Regarding Paulina looking like Palin.
All good looking women have similar looks; that’s based
on the the accepted classic geometry we want in facial structure.
Toned body is next.
Thank you, God.
Paulina found the youth fountain, good for her.Whatever she is using it’s obviously working great.And there is no way to deny that those rock stone abs are real. At 50, she had to sweat twice more compared to a 20-year-old to maintain her figures.Ladies, as a the great philosopher Vivica A Fox once said, don’t hate, congratulate.
She’s beautiful, fit, been married longer than most of us, famous or not, have managed to stay married, and she’s successful in her career. How anyone can look at those pictures and find something to hate is way beyond me.
Does anyone know the brand of the bikini she is wearing?
I am going on vacation in California next month and would love something like that.Not sure I would look as good, have baby weight to shed, but the color is so summer like.
Just wonderful!! AND she’s married to the CARS; I love them!!
Is it just me, or do those pictures not really show her body that much? The waves in one picture sort of conceal her body, another picture is taken from a considerable distance, and the third picture doesn’t show much.
She is one sexy mama. she looks healthy with curves.