While it is not rare to see family drama in politics, it is not that often to see someone’s own family actively campaigning against their election, something which Rep. Paul Gosar is currently experiencing right now.
Six of the nine siblings of the congressman have launched a full-on media campaign in which they urge people not to vote for him, calling his credibility and morals into question.
The family added that there is no desire for publicity motivating them in their current activities. Instead, they are worried about the public if their family member gets elected.
Grace Gosar specifically stated that she found it difficult to see her brother in any other light than as a racist.
Other family members added that it saddened them to have to speak out against their brother like that, but they felt they had a responsibility, to be honest with the public.
Furthermore, the family sees this as a feud over their name, as there is a divide between the two groups over the public image they are carrying.
The relatives, who initiated the campaign against their brother, claim that he is tarnishing the good name of the family and they are acting to protect themselves, as they do not want to be associated with his racist views.
Gosar responded that this was just another campaign move by “Hillary supporters” who hate President Donald Trump, claiming that they are only related to him by blood but by any beliefs or views, and finished his statement with “Stalin would be proud.”
My siblings who chose to film ads against me are all liberal Democrats who hate President Trump. These disgruntled Hillary suppporters are related by blood to me but like leftists everywhere, they put political ideology before family. Stalin would be proud. #Az04 #MAGA2018
— Paul Gosar (@DrPaulGosar) September 22, 2018
You can’t pick your family. We all have crazy aunts and relatives etc and my family is no different. I hope they find peace in their hearts and let go all the hate.
To the six angry Democrat Gosars—see you at Mom and Dad’s house! #AZ04 #MAGA2018
— Paul Gosar (@DrPaulGosar) September 22, 2018
The Arizona Republican also blames former President Barack Obama for the attack ad targeting him.
He said, “But, you know, this actually details exactly what the left, what Barack Obama, actually asked progressives to do, is to get into family and friends, in their face and not let up.”
Democrat David Brill is the underdog in the race despite the viral ad.