Pat Sajak walks off the set of his famous game show and the clip is hilarious. Sajak decided to walk off the stage of the Wheel of Fortune this week because he was tired of the contestants giving the wrong answer over and over.
Pat Sajak walks off the set of Wheel of Fortune and video goes viral. On Monday’s episode of Wheel of Fortune, which was taped in Hawaii during Best Friends Week, Sajak wearing a flowery shirt lost it and decided to leave, according to Examiner.
The contestants were struggling with the “What Are You Doing?” category when one of them decided to give it a try. With only the letter N lit, the game show competitor screamed “Riding a brown horse.” While the amount of letters would have worked perfectly for the sentence, it was incorrect. Sajak told the person:
“That’s amazing!.And it’s wrong.”
But by the look on Pat Sajak’s face it was clear that he thought the answer was ridiculous. The next contestants, Audrey and Antoinette, had another hilarious answer, they yelled “Riding a white horse.”
Pat Sajak who had enough of the horse-related answers decided to walk off the stage. He eventually returned and said:
“I am losing it.Who said anything about a horse?”
Audience members were a bit surprised to see Pat Sajak walking off the stage, but they quickly understood that it was all a joke and laughed along with the contestants. The correct answer, to the puzzle was “seeing a buddy movie,” it had nothing to do with a horse.
Pat Sajak and Vanna White have been on Wheel of Fortune since 1981, and have seen their fair share of silly answers. Last week, a male contestant, who was not focused and did not understand the rules of the game, repeated the same wrong letter as the woman before him.
During the summer, a contestant left viewers scratching their heads, when he was unable to answer the puzzle with practically all the clues given.
Below is the clip of Pat Sajak walking off the set of Wheel of Fortune. It was all humor.
What are your thoughts on Sajak’s joke?
It called “the media blowing things out of proportion”….as usual. It was all in jest. He is allowed.
This is all over these types of websites. Why do you guys push stories like this? Weird stuff. He walked like 5 or 6 steps then came back. He was smiling the whole time. Why even tell this story. You guys must be bored or have no REAL news to tell. No violence for you to put out there? Come on surely you can create some violence…you’re the media.
I watched the TV show and I thought it was all in humor. Nothing more, nothing less.
This is so funny,im glad stuff like this is on here.Story’s like these need to be told and talked about.WAY to much violence in the world today,seems like the world is going nuts.Looks like the news channels only care about violence,and they try and get ratings for it etc.If violence is all your looking forward to on the news,your a sick person,and your part of the problem that we don’t need.we need storys like this to enjoy and have fun in the world. this was a great story.Keep them up 🙂
Obviously fooling around. News, REALLY?
Thought it was just stupid and not even funny.
Trolling to make news on a slow news day ?!? I saw the episode and he did not walk “off the set” in annoyance. He turned around and started to walk away as a joke in response to the funny contestant answers. He didn’t walk very far and he was not annoyed !!
I think the antic was humorous, similiar to what Steve Harvey would do on Family Feud. Pat has a great sense of humor, but probably could be a loose cannon if he wanted to be….
I don’t think it was all in jest, I think he had too much to drink before the show and was just fed up.
It appears to me that some of the folks are kind of confused here. Believe it or not, “the media blows everything out of proportion” however, before stating “He is allowed” maybe a bit of control would make for more meaningful discourse.
It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if Sajak wasn’t taking a shot at the “State of America” right now. It certainly seems the dumber one is the better person they are….go figure!
I am so glad I watch the show EVERYDAY! This one was hilarious! So glad I found this Video! I shared it on my Facebook Page & wrote a lot about it! Thank you!
How is this news?
The news media seems to be out to get some people and Pat Sajak is one of them. We watched the show and it was a well done funny response to an answer that was wrong. Leave the guy alone, he is doing a great job.
Time to leave, why didn’t he just kept walking. He is rude not funny, too tounchy, feely with the nice looking woman, he just an dirty old man. Most night he acts as he is 3 sheets in the wind. Either change the the host and the letter turner(hostess????) he is very demeaning to her. Take the show off thr air.
is whell of fortune looking to replace pat sajaake tv show
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it sounds like pat sajac is burned out from the show .
He has been this way for a while now. Sad to watch.I guess for the amount of money and perks he gets I would stick it out too.
Sajack is a performer and knows a comedy moment when he sees it. The two silly horse answers, especially the last one, opened the door for him to react and he did hilariously. The walk off ( and return)was his moment.
I don’t know how he keeps smiling after 40 years of the same old thing! I don’t know how he stops himself from doing that every week!
He turned away so people wouldn’t see him laughing about the guess “riding the white horse” which for those of you who are naïve, means wearing a kotex.
My source speaking on condition of anonymity tells me that reporters of entertainment, news, sports or whatever are the lowest of the low. Anything for a story.
we saw it and as shown here clearly it was all in humor by Pat. Very surprised at the social media portraying it as a “walked off stage” he was just playing the audience for the humor value..and it was humorous