Is Paris Jackson pregnant? This question went viral few days ago and the world still does not have a clear answer regarding Michael Jackson’s daughter pregnancy rumors.
The Paris Jackson pregnancy chatter was started by a fan who spotted the teenager in Utah with what looked like a baby bump. This person is convinced that Jackson is pregnant because she decided to toast with water instead of wine. The so-called insider said:
“I saw her at dinner and she twice made a toast drinking water instead of wine. That and the prominent stomach bulge got people talking. It’s highly unusual to toast with anything but a full glass of wine.”
While Paris Jackson may indeed be pregnant, this statement seems a little thin. There is an interesting development that seems to give some credence to the Paris Jackson pregnant talks though, her family is not commenting on the matter. A spokesperson for Miss Jackson said:
“I do not comment on her personal life.”
Jackson at 16 is trying to get her life back together after a suicide attempt in 2013. The teenager who has dealt with depression since the death of famous father in 2009, is currently living in Utah with her biological mother Debbie Rowe.
The teen is still getting help for her mental issues. Jackson who has over one million followers on Twitter, has stopped updating her account, which makes it hard for people to get a glimpse at her state of mind.
Most commentators do not believe that Paris Jackson is pregnant. People under 21 are not allowed to purchase alcohol in the state of Utah. Additionally, Jackson’s weight may have fluctuated after her stay in rehab. Some say the focus on a young woman’s weight can have a negative impact on her mental.
The media will probably keep speculating until she decides to address the rumor publicly. The tabloids have also reported that Jackson recently got engaged to her boyfriend of two years. The man’s identity is not known.
Is Paris Jackson pregnant and engaged at 16?
She wasn’t toasting with wine because she is under the legal drinking age. people need to mind their own business.
I think she is pregnant she just needs to come out and say it