Paris Jackson pregnant and engaged at 16, said a tabloid last week, now the rumor is being debunked. Paris Jackson pregnancy rumors in doubt after an insider spoke to the media saying that it all had to do with a bad picture and a publication that wants to make money off a fragile young woman. There is also a two-week old video that seems to dig a big hole in the pregnancy rumor.
For almost a week now, rumors have been flying high that Paris Jackson is pregnant and engaged at the age of 16.
While her representative and her grandmother have refused to comment on the story, a close source to the teen is trying to dispel the pregnancy rumors.
The source had nothing to say about the engagement ring story. The surprising Paris Jackson pregnancy rumors were first published by the British tabloid The Daily Star.
According to the publication, the 16-year-old was spotted by a fan in Utah with an impressive baby bump at a restaurant with her boyfriend.
Miss Jackson did not toast with wine and opted for a glass of water instead. That same week, another fan claimed that Paris Jackson was seen engagement ring shopping with her mysterious boyfriend.
A well placed source spoke to the media and said the pregnancy story was simply ridiculous and false.
According to the site Celeb Dirty Laundry, the insider laughed at the story:
However, several Jackson family sources have scoffed at the rumors, calling them outlandish and ridiculous. The baby bump? A bad photo angle. The toasting with water? What, a 16-year-old girl ISN’T breaking the law and toasting with alcohol? My, what a scandal. She absolutely MUST be pregnant.
Indeed, Jackson is only 16 years of age and can not legally purchase alcohol in America.
Furthermore, she is in Utah where she is undergoing medical care after a suicide attempt in 2013. So, why in the world would she be consuming alcohol while taking prescription drugs?
The source went on to slam the magazine for reporting lies about Michael Jackson’s only daughter.
“Anyway, we can say with 99% accuracy that Paris Jackson is not pregnant. As usual, the Daily Star has jumped the gun in declaring this non-news story, especially when the ‘proof’ is through a bad photo and unreliable ‘witnesses’ originating from a low-level tabloid.”
Jackson is currently living with her biological mother Debbie Rowe and her grandmother, Katherine Jackson briefly spoke to the media last month, and she said that the teenager was doing well.
According to reports, Paris’ guardian T.J. Jackson, her granny and several other Jacksons take part in some of the teen’s weekly therapy sessions from California via Skype. Everyone involved said they have bonded and grown as a family.
In conclusion, Paris Jackson is probably not pregnant. Jackson was seen in Gary, Indiana on August 29 without the supposed huge baby bump and looking as normal as normal can be. You can check out the video below.
I’m sorry, it really bothered me. I thought it was a typo at first, but then it showed up again, spelled the exact same way, on the very next line. It’s alcohol, not alchool.