Pamela Anderson is “Psycho” enough to call out industries that are contributing to the California drought and Gov. Jerry Brown for not doing anything about it. In a new ad for PETA, Pamela Anderson reenacts Janet Leigh’s shower scene from the 1960’s Hitchcock movie Psycho to draw awareness to the meat trade’s water waste.
Pamela Anderson goes “Psycho” in a new ad for PETA. In a stunning ad shot by photographer David LaChapelle, Pamela Anderson stands naked in a shower screaming and water runs down her body.
If the photo seems familiar, it is because the PETA ad was inspired by actress Janet Leigh‘s famous shower/scream scene in Alfred Hitchcock‘s 1960 movie, Psycho.
The tagline for the advertisement read, “Making a splash for the environment doesn’t just mean shorter showers. Try vegan.”
In a statement accompanying the ad, Anderson explained:
“Rivers are siphoned off, not just for the animals but also for crops grown to feed animals on factory farms. Producing one pound of beef uses as much water as about six months’ worth of showers.”
The new campaign takes aim at the Democratic governor of California, who has taken drastic measures to end the dry spell that the state is facing.
Gov. Jerry Brown will fine water-wasters, has imposed restrictions and passed appliance efficiency mandates, but failed to tackle the biggest water consumer in California: Agriculture.
The industry, which consumes 80 percent of the state’s water supply, was not asked to make any cutbacks. However, some experts say that becoming a vegetarian will not solve the drought.
“It eventually may impact water use. It’s not fast. It’s a long-term plan. So if we decided to do that tomorrow, that doesn’t mean it’s going to impact the drought at all … Don’t forget, because this is a global market, they might have other customers they’re selling their meat to,” Newsha Ajami, the director of urban water policy with Stanford University’s Water in the West initiative, said. “I think at the end of the day … eating less water-intense food products certainly is important to lower demand.”
What are your thoughts on Pamela Anderson “Psycho” PETA ad?