Nina Pham’s boyfriend has been quarantined in a Texas hospital. According to several Dallas media outlets, on October 13th, Nina Pham’s boyfriend whose name has not been revealed was taken to the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.
Nina Pham’s boyfriend has been hospitalized for more than three days and it is believed that he has not contracted the Ebola virus, although some reports say otherwise. Nurse Nina Pham became the first person in America to be tested positive for the Ebola virus last week. Pham’s dog has also been quarantined.
Pham who is described as a devoted Catholic, animal lover, is one the many nurses at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, who cared for Thomas Eric Duncan, the man who brought the virus to the US after a trip in Liberia.
Duncan died from the virus several days later and his family believes that it is because the doctors at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital failed to act fast.
The 26-year-old health expert received blood transfusion from Ebola survivor, Dr. Kent Brantly, and has been doing well. Pham is currently being moved to Maryland. Amber Vinson, another nurse from the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital has also contracted Ebola after caring for Duncan. Vinson is being treated at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta.
The name of Nina Pham’s boyfriend has not be released to the public, but it is believed that he is an employee of Alcon, an ophthalmological pharmaceutical company. Nina Pham’s parents also work at Alcon.
Texas media has obtained a letter from Alcon CEO, Jeff George, which explained that one of his workers has been in isolation after being in contact with Nina Pham.
While George did not mention Pham by name, he did explain that it was an associate of the nurse who was struck with the virus. He shared that the individual did not have symptoms of the Ebola virus, but Texas authorities put him in isolation in order to better monitor the situation.
George who is aware that “fearbola” is spreading in his company, invited his workers to remain calm and revealed that:
“After consultation with the Texas Department of Health, we are confident that there is no risk for Alcon associates.”
Jeff Georges’s statement related to Nina Pham’s boyfriend read:
@ChuckCJohnson Here.
Sent to Employees of Alcon pic.twitter.com/LArl7tHkRv
— Doctor Sparkle (@TwiBestPony) October 14, 2014
Rev. Jim Khoi, of Our Lady of Fatima Church in East Fort Worth, spoke to the media saying that Pham’s mother told him that one of her friends had been quarantined. The religious man believes that the mom was talking about Nina Pham’s boyfriend.