NBC cancels Allegiance after just five episodes and decides to put The Slap in the timeslot. Fans are not happy about the decision and have taken to social media to voice their anger.
The term “Allegiance cancelled” has been trending on the web for the past two days, because NBC’s decision to dump the show after five episodes was a bit surprising.
The spy drama series debuted on February 5th and garnered close to 5 million viewers, the last episode that aired on March 5th was seen by less than 3.5 million people.
The Peacock Network announced the cancellation of the show on Friday. Allegiance was low-rated and disliked by TV critics who saw it as a poor man’s version of The Americans. Its approval sits at 48 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, while The Americans Season 3 is at 100.
Allegiance, starring Hope Davis and Margarita Levieva among others, had a promising premise and a very talented cast, but it never took off despite loyal and devoted fans.
The Slap will be taking NBC’s Thursdays 10 p.m. hour, it previously aired at 8 p.m and failed to deliver anything major in ratings. The Blacklist will continue to hold the 9 p.m. block, where it is performing in weaker fashion than when it used to air on Mondays.
NBC has opted to mix reality and fiction by airing The Real Blacklist at 8. The program hosted by Richard Engel from NBC News will focus on real-life crimes and will serve as the perfect lead-in for James Spader‘s series.
The Real Blacklist will face CBS’ The Big Bang Theory/The Odd Couple, ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy and Fox’s American Idol thanks to this new Thursday lineup.
Fans say that Allegiance was a very good show and that NBC did a huge mistake by putting it against How To Get Away With Murder. They still hope that another network or Netflix will want to give it a second chance.
NBC cancels Allegiance, but some believe that The Slap will have a hard time doing better against the critically-acclaimed American Crime and the ever-steady Elementary.
What are your thoughts on Allegiance getting cancelled? Do you like The Slap?
They should have cancelled The Slap and kept Allegiance. It’s a great show! Big Mistake to cancell.
Totally agree. I started watching and now my wife started to watch. Here and I both like it a lot. Sad not given a chance. Great show!!!!
I can’t believe once again, a good show isn’t given time for people to catch on. This always happen … you get interested in a good show then they cancel it. Why do they not give it another shot on another night or just more time where it is. I really liked the plot line and was ready for more. I will never understand why there is other shows that (in my opinion) are trash and they leave those on but take off the good. Ugh!
Why do people not give it a chance?????
Agree!!! I enjoyed it!!! NBC makes stupid decisions. I would record it and watch it on DVR
My husband and I loved this program. We recorded every episode. It was suspenseful, thrilling and kept us waiting for the next
episode. Again, why, why, why?
I agree!! I watched one episode of the Slap, and wanted to Slap Myself for it wasting my time!! Allegiance is MUCH more enjoyable: thrilling and nail-biting!! Who paid NBC off to cancel Allegiance? Bad, Bad Sport!!
I agree, I would record then watch it later because of my work schedule. Really liked the show.
I am rather late with my post because I just found out Allegiance was cancelled. I discovered the program late and binged on it for an entire weekend. I was left looking forward to future episodes but found them available only On Demand. I now see why… Allegiance is a GREAT show with the only problem being lack of promotion by NBC. I just watched the season finale and judging by the ending, it was left with the possibility of a return. The cast is fantastic with just the right amount of chemistry to make it quite appealing. Plot lines are interesting and suspenseful. I hope NBC reconsiders and brings it back with proper promotion.
It is a mistake to cancel a good show like this. Crazy comedy and reality shows should be cancelled – not a show with good substance.
I watch both The Slap and Allegiance. While The Slap is mildly interesting, I am wholeheartedly committed to Allegiance and it’s excellent cast and storyline. Very disappointed in NBC for cancelling it after only 5 episodes. I’ve heard that there are a total of 13 episodes and can’t help but wonder why they are not going to air the remaining 8 episodes. None of this makes any sense and I’m very angry & upset with NBC at the loss of this top notch show.
I agree 100%. Bring Allegiance back…Saturday’s maybe, bring it back
You didn’t give the show a chance… it’s got a following. 🙁
Intelligent shows do not make television anymore. It is really sad when reality television is still considered the mainstream. NBC has once again disappointed its fans with the cancellation of Allegiance. Only five episodes aired and NBC did not give it a chance. Allegiance has a fan base and NBC once again failed us when it comes to great television. I am hoping that NETFLIX will pick of where NBC dropped the ball. #AllegianceCancelled
I’ve really enjoyed “the Slap.” It’s a little trashy, but the cast is great, and the production is slick. I never tried “Allegiance.” The promos made it look like a dumbed down version of “The Americans.”
Say WHAT ??? It was a very interesting and well written show. The actors are great! Please cancel the Slap and bring this one back. I think it is actually better than the Americans.
This is a big mistake. Allegiance is a great show. It ranks right up there with the “Black List”. The Slap can be cancelled but I am very, very disappointed that NBC is cancelling “Allegiance”.
As usual…we get a program that requires some thought and focus and it gets cancelled. I suppose we could convert all shows to more fake “reality” style and just film a bunch of 20 yr olds sitting around a pool or a 5 million dollar living room texting each other. Then the netrwork could get rid of dialogue all together, fire the writers, and live-stream it so we could dump directors, film crews, and virtually all costs to the network. America is not yet that dumbed down!!!!……so quit setting serious shows against each other guaranteeing their failures. Allegiance was fast paced, entertaining, mysterious, and disturbing…My group of friends will miss it. It’s just another hour I will take back from my TV and devote to anything that is NOT TELEVISON.
Allegiance was a good show…I’m highly disappointed!
I was hooked after watching the pilot. Excellent show. While I’m not surprised that NBC cancelled it. Whoever makes these decisions at NBC clearly has no clue what Americans want to watch. Allegiance had substance along with excellent acting and writers.
Personally, I enjoyed Allegiance, too bad NBC, its no wonder the network is losing their viewers. I hope they rethink their decision, I love the brilliant corky nature of their lead Alex. Ratings truly don’t do this show justice, I have to admit I didn’t watch the show when aired, I watch the show OnDemand. Sometimes people just don’t have the time to watch, doesn’t mean the shows not good. Maybe next time they’ll take that in mind before rendering a show unworthy. Two thumbs down NBC, that was bad move.
I agree, I have to say I am very disappointed in NBC. Allegiance was amazing. I am dumbfounded at how this was cancelled but the Slap was renewed. Seriously? How long do you think that show can last it is about a guy that slapped a kid. Not only is it uninteresting it is boring. Allegiance had substance and I am perplexed at who they are basing their ‘audiences’ on as they continue to cancel great shows such as Allegiance or Perception but they keep awful shows like Two Broke Girls. This is ridiculous and whoever is choosing to keep or cancel shows needs to be fired. I am hoping that another network will pick it up (hint, hint Netflix) 🙂 Again I am just saddened at the distasteful shows that keep being renewed and the good ones are always cancelled. Shame on you NBC!
Slap is mildly interesting, Allegiance was a wonderful shows just needed a network commit where it could build a following like Hill Street Blues did back in the day. Had to pay attention cause it moved an was well written. Can’t play on the iPad and Facebook and keep up with it!! Just a shame
BTW – When in heck will HANNIBAL ever return, will someone at NBC ever answer that question?????????????????
This was truly one of my favorite shows. I am so sick of reality shows like ” The Bachelor” and ” Big Brother”. Just give us an intelligent show and let us watch it………..BRING IT BACK.
Mistake by cancelling Allegiance. You didn’t give the show a chance. The actors are credible. My husband enjoy watching it. Watch the Slap. But still think it’s a mistake to cancel.
I love this show! Bring it back!! I love Scott Cohen. Ugh I hate when they don’t give shows a chance.
Great show. Can’t believe they cancelled it. I am so sick of the networks cancelling shows that are worth watching. Let me guess, another reality show on the way. Hope not. Bring back Allegiance.
This is one of the best shows I’ve watched in a long time. The Slap sucks. Please don’t cut this show. At least move it to a differant night.
How stupid are the NBC executives? Have they noticed who else is in this same time slot? I agree that The Slap is only somewhat interesting and I will not watch it in it’s new time slot in protest to NBC stupidity! Why not put Allegiance on a different night, duh!
LOVED LOVED LOVED this show! Incredible plotline and great performances by the cast…Allegiance can hold its own against any show, any night, any time. Just cannot believe that five episodes is all that NBC feels necessary to cancel such a superior show with incredible potential for some thriller plots. Shame, shame, shame on you NBC for such poor judgment! I watch TV to learn (even if “fictiously,” though I’m sure this show is far more “realistic” than I want to believe)about how the world really turns…and in my opinion, Allegiance is an allegory on reality in today’s much “smaller” world. Allegiance is up there with “The Blacklist” in my opinion. I’m very sorry that NBC has made the decision it has and hope also that a re-considered “move” can be envisioned…lose The Slap and keep your Allegiance!!!
Loved the show and will not be watching Slap. Really bad decision by NBC.
Not sure what show you guys are watching, but to call these horrible actors “excellent” or “talented cast” is a joke. Show was definitely good – acting was horrible.
That’s just ridiculous!!! My wife and I both enjoy watching Allegiance. NBC, once again, you disappoint your fan base. The slap is not engaging at all. It’s like a reality show as if there aren’t enough of that type of nonsense already. We’ll watch The Blacklist and then turn on ABC or CBS. neither of us have any interest in watching the slap. It’s a slap in the face of viewers who actually enjoy a great show. We were at a party Sunday and people there were talking about trying two episodes of the slap and turning it off before it was even finished. We had done the same thing. An you wonder why you’re losing viewership. You’d be wise to reconsider your decision.
I have been viewing Allegiance and loved it. I have not seen Slap and very surprised and disappointed in NBC.
I am very disappointed that Allegiance has been cancelled. I watched the first episode of The Slap and with everyone yelling at each other I have not watched it since.
Allegiance is a great show and very entertaining with a wonderful cast! Very disappointed
Typical NBC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fans? What fans? “cancelled for low ratings”. If all both of the fans take to social media, does a tree fall in the forest?
What is NBC gonna replace it with another “reality” show. I hate the very term “reality show”, nothing can be further from reality than any of the shows that are labeled as such… One guy “choosing” a soul mate from a dozen or so beatiful women and all the women are OK with him slobbering all over all of them… C’mon REALLY!!! I know this has nothing to do with Allegiance, but this is a great show. PUT IT BACK ON!!!!
NBC continues to “shoot itself in the foot.” Allegiance was evolving faster than many flops that are today standard bearers on network TV. A real shame…
What a mistake in cancelling Allegiance! It was a great show, the plot was just really starting to take form, it should have been given more time to develop. I looked forward to Thursday nights with the Blacklist and Allegiance. I hope NBC reconsiders, this is one show I think they will be sorry they cancelled. If they don’t reconsider I hope another network picks it up.
I never watched an episode of Slap. Just the previews alone made the choice for me. The allegiance was a great show. Perfect for watch and moved fast. NBC makes horrible decisions for their shows. I hope someone else will pick up this gem!
“The Slap” surely a loser; title alone is unforgiving. As for ” Allegiance” , watched it 1 1/2 times. That was enough. And, I agree forget the very insulting so-called reality programs. ” Blacklist”,” State of Affairs”,” Madame Secretary” …great programming.
I liked allegiance and watched it every week. I watched the slap once and have not seen it since.
Slap is a stupid premise, should have kept Allegiance
We loved the show Allegiance actually quit watching Elementary.
Not a good decision?? The Slap should go first.
There have been a number of shows that take a while to develop an audience- I usually don’t bother to check out new shows until given a recommendation by a friend , which is what happened with “Allegiance”. Glad I started to watch, that is until I see this news!! NBC execs are ridiculous to not give it time to catch on, as these are the shows that last once word spreads. It offends me that there are so few shows that are of good quality, and then they are pulled! One of the few that I watched on NBC!! Lets see if the execs at NBC have the intelligence to listen to the people who to use their brains as they watch TV! But I doubt that they will…
What the heck! Geez I loved the show. I thought it actually complimented The Americans (the future of a similar family) (My family really enjoys both shows, and we didn’t really get into The Americans the initial season) Now we’ve gone back and watched all the episodes. Just an example that 5 episodes should not make or break a series… unless its one of those stupid reality shows, they could cancel all of them and I wouldn’t care. Bummer. Not surprised by NBC, bunch of morons all the Big 3 networks. They are so stuck in their old business model they will lose big down the road as many more will be forced to streaming internet media for quality entertainment.
I love Allegiance! Why do they do that? So many watch after it’s recorded or on demand. Does that even count towards the viewers?
OK…was in to Allegiance….Will not watch any more series on this network. Too many other options. NBC can cancel all programming for all I care.
The problem with putting Allegiance on Thursday nights is that there are already great lineups on those nights. It’s competing against heavy hitters, so of course the ratings were going to drop off after people went back to their other shows after seeing what it was all about. I have to watch this show on the day after, or over the weekend, because I tape up to 4 shows each hour at 8pm, 9pm and 10pm and I just don’t have 12 hours to watch things right away. This was one of them.
There are many shows other than Allegiance that NBC could have canceled. Thursday at 7:00 or 8:00 pm would have been a perfect time slot for Allegiance. “The Slap” will never make it all the way
I will never give NBC another chance with any new show. They either cancel it before it has a chance to catch on, bounce it around on different nights or take it off for a few weeks then run a new episode then either take it off again or run reruns. Then they wonder why people loose interest. Looks like Netflix’s, Google tv etc. are the way to go. Bah bye NBC!
Allegiance was my favorite new show on tv this season and I’m totally shocked that the cancelled it so soon! I was getting so many people to start watching it and now it’s just gone?! That’s ridiculous, The Slap is the dumbest idea for a show I’ve ever heard of and they’re going to keep that pos! So stupid! I’m not happy about this decision at all…
Incredible that Allegiance was cancelled and replaced by The Slap. Acting and plot was excellent. Yet shows like Secrets and Lies and Under the Dome with mediocre dialogue and acting continue to air. Shows the mentality of many viewers.
Smart people liked Allegiance. Maybe it was canceled because it touched a nerve with certain people.
I agree with a lot of the comments above. The show was great, fantastic cast, interesting plot. Left us all wondering how the son would react personally and professionally to the fact that his parents were spies. Like a lot of people said, it was a show for intelligent people but it seems the “dumbing down” of America only allows for reality shows (too many), cop shows (too many). I am tired of every other show now has some forensic doctor opening up bodies and examining all the organs, lots of blood. etc. It started with grey’s anatomy and it has permeated through a whole bunch of shows everywhere. Parenthood should not have been cancelled, it was a great show. I like the slap though and it deserves another season.