Navy SEAL, who killed Osama, identified as 38-year-old Rob O’Neill. The former Navy SEAL who was part of Team Six, plans to do an interview with Fox News soon, but several media outlets have already outed him.
Navy SEAL, who killed Osama, identified ahead of his interview with FOX News set for November 11 and 12. According to the Daily Mail, and the special operations community blog, SOFrep.com, the Navy SEAL who killed Osama has been identified as Rob O’Neill.
O’Neill is a 38-year-old from Montana, and he shot Bin Laden at close range during the raid that took place on his Abbottabad, Pakistan compound on May 2, 2011.
O’Neill, who is; now, a a public speaker, has been deployed on over a dozen tours of active combat, including in Iraq and Afghanistan. The hero, who killed al-Qaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden, was decorated 52 times, he earned two Silver Stars and four Bronze Stars with combat “V.”
The highly-decorated veteran decided to take part in the upcoming paid interview after he lost his military benefits. The former Navy SEAL retired after 16 years of service, instead of completing the full 20 years.
FOX News has been teasing viewers, promising that “never before shared details” will be revealed by the Navy SEAL who killed Osama. In March of 2013, O’Neill spoke anonymously with Esquire, where he revealed what it felt like to kill the man who hurt so many Americans. At the time, he said:
“In that second, I shot him, two times in the forehead. Bap! Bap! The second time as he’s going down. He crumpled on to the floor in front of his bed and I hit him again, Bap! same place. That time I used my EOTech red-dot holo sight. He was dead. Not moving. His tongue was out. I watched him take his last breaths, just a reflex breath.”
As the world awaits the former Navy SEAL’s interview, his father Tom O’Neill is talking to the Daily Mail. Mr Tom O’Neill explained that his family is not afraid of ISIS:
“People are asking if we are worried that ISIS will come and get us because Rob is going public. I say I’ll paint a big target on my front door and say come and get us.”
But Rob O’Neill’s former wife whose identity has not been revealed, sees things differently, she has changed her name, her children’s names out a fear of retaliation from Muslim extremists. Force Master Chief, Michael Magaraci, and commander Rear Admiral, Brian Losey, who are trying to prevent O’Neill from talking to the public, have written a letter to past and present SEALs. It reads:
“A critical tenant of our Ethos is ‘I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions.Violators of our Ethos are neither Teammates in good standing, nor Teammates who represent Naval Special Warfare.We do not abide willful or selfish disregard for our core values in return for public notoriety and financial gain, which only diminishes otherwise honorable service, courage and sacrifice.”
The letter also reminded the vet that classified information is protected by law, and legal action will be taken against “members who willfully violate the law.” Angered by Losey and Magaraci’s letter, the vet’s father told the publication that his son needs to earn a living. He said:
“He is not allowed to talk, yet they are using this big bullhorn to shut him up.I support him in everything he is doing.
What are you supposed to do when you come out of the military after such service – become a greeter at Walmart?”
In 2012, veteran Matt Bissonnette, a member of the Navy SEAL’s Team 6 that killed Osama Bin Laden wrote a bestselling book about the mission under a pen name, Mark Owen.
Navy SEAL who killed Osama identified, but will he be treated as a hero after sharing secrets?
Kudos to this man for accomplishing his mission faithfully and completely.
Boo-Hiss to our Govt for not giving him FULL Retirement immediately.
This was a Special Situation, that was accomplished. Pay him in full.
A Pox on the whore, hound-dog Media for making a buck with no ethics.
WHERE are politicians? Pay him well and quietly for the rest of his life.
Then, Mr SEAL, STFU. Team Ethos is indeed honorable. Yakking is not.
Your family is at risk and the Media is using you.
You are not using the Media.
Still, thank you. But please, STFU, NOW!
Publicly identifying ANY SEAL is a sin, in my Book.
SEALS are HEROS and need no noisy BS in the public arena.