A couple of Natalie Morales rumors are circulating and claiming that she might lose her gig on The Today Show. The whispers have caused a frenzy on the Internet. The rumors alleged that Matt Lauer, who supposedly got Ann Cury fired from the program, is working behind the scenes to make sure Natalie Morales is terminated. Fans of Morales are slamming Mr. Lauer for his alleged behavior.
Fans are angered by the Natalie Morales rumors alleging that her controversial Today Show co-host Matt Lauer is attempting a coup against her.
Instead of stepping out to slam the rumors, Natalie Leticia Morales is busy celebrating her mother, Penelope Morales, (and her father, Lieut. Col. Mario Morales Jr.), in a Mother’s Day special on the morning television show.
Late last week, an anonymous source spoke to Page Six and revealed that Matt Lauer has been secretly plotting to make sure that Morales is out of a job soon.
The world knows how powerful Lauer is, rumors have always stated that he is the one, who caused Ann Curry to get laid off the morning talk because he did not like her boring personality.
Believe it or not, Lauer disliked Curry to the point that he would not even sit next to her. According to rumors, this is how he got the poor woman fired in 2013:
“According to a source with direct knowledge of the conversation, Executive Vice President of Comcast as well as CEO and President of NBCUniversal Steve Burke told Lauer, “We need to sign you so we can do Ann.” Burke, who had to be keenly aware of Lauer’s discomfort with Curry, was basically scratching her off his list of reservations. (As a top NBC executive said to me after the fact, “Matt’s decision guided everything else.”) Burke even offered Lauer a signing bonus of several million dollars.”
According to the publication, Lauer cooked up the following plan: Convince Steve Burke to give Natalie Morales a fake promotion and move her to Dateline. With Morales out of the picture, Lauer is hoping that his good friend, Hoda Kotb, will get the real promotion and take over Morales’ spot.
The insider explained:
“They’ll try to position this as a promotion for Natalie — but make no mistake, she’s not happy.”
However, a source close to the show has stepped out to slam the rumors by saying that Morales is part of the cast, and she is not getting laid off anytime soon. The NBC spokesperson stated:
“This is all hogwash. Natalie is beloved by the staff and millions of fans.”
In 2014, rumors claimed Natalie Morales was getting fired from Today along with Willie Geist. They turned out to be fake, and fans are hoping that this time around the rumors are just that. One supporter of Morales said:
“Matt Lauer comes off as a cry baby, give me what I want or I’ll take my ” No Balls ” and go home, must feel threatened by women, could be to the point of him wanting the glamour of being one ( REMEMBER Halloween and his J-Lo !), Natalie is fun, perky, says just enough to get your attention then smartly knows when to let someone else take the lead. If SOMEONE had to leave the show, Lauer and Tamron should do one more ” Where in the World is Matt Lauer ?” together and like “Where’s Waldo ???”, go off and get lost in the crowd. Maybe then the bottom lines, RATINGS would improve.”
Another added:
“Love her! Natalie balances the show with her class act. Savannah brings warmth and a positive energy. The two of them make a great contribution to Matt & All. I would however get rid of Tamron.”
Natalie Morales is not focusing on those pesky rumors; instead, she is celebrating her mother, Penelope Morales, who has been a role model. Natalie Morales had the following to say about Penelope, a military wife and mother of three, who put herself through college:
“She basically raised us moving from place to place. I was born in Taiwan…We lived in Panama, Brazil, Spain. All over the world. And my mom was the constant. She would always make sure that when we got home from school, that we felt like we had our number-one fan, our champion right there, you know, waiting for us.”
What are thoughts on the latest Natalie Morales rumors? Do you think another person may get fired?
Proud to dress @NMoralesNBC’s mother in this special #MothersDay piece on the @TodayShow http://t.co/77GVTSVs1f pic.twitter.com/8OIv9smbP1
— Lafayette148 NewYork (@lafayette148ny) May 6, 2015
Matt is boring. Natalie is a spark. Keep Natalie.
I was very disappointed when Ann Curry left the show and I don’t have any use for back stabbers who try and get their co workers fired or replaced . I don’t know if Matt was actually behind Ann being replaced but if he was and is now doing the same thing to Natalie may the network should consider doing away with a trouble maker and at the same time save themselves a ton of money . Just my opinion and it is all based on rumors.
What a cute picture.
I lost all respect for Matt Lauer when he treated Christie Brinkley so poorly during an interview earlier. I watch GMA between 7 and 9. I then go back to NBC for the remainder of the morning. I started this the morning Ann Curry left. Ann was the warm heart on the show.