NASA approves $7 billion rocket that might be going to the moon or on Mars in few years. NASA has also announced that after the construction of the $7 billion rocket, they plan on making possible to send humans to Mars.
NASA approves $7 billion rocket that will have its first flight in four years and some are angry about it.
In a press release that was issued by NASA, it has been revealed that they have gotten the green light to begin the construction of the SLS rocket system.
The SLS, which was approved in February will cost a total of $7.021 billion and will be completed in 2018.
The first test flight on the world’s most powerful rocket (a title that previously belonged to Saturn 5) is scheduled take place before November of 2018.
The first test flight with crew members will be in the year 2021 for space exploration missions. The very expensive Space Launch System is expected to take astronauts to the moon and eventually to Mars.
The government will be paying $2.8 billion to Boeing to build the SLS rocket, which will be powered by four left-over space shuttle main engines and two upgraded shuttle-heritage solid-fuel boosters.
According to NASA, the mega rocket will have the capacity to lift payloads weighing over 70 metric tons.
NASA Associate Administrator Robert Lightfoot, said that the reason behind the construction of the most powerful launcher on earth is to keep America the leader in the domain. The scientist added:
“Our nation is embarked on an ambitious space exploration program, and we owe it to the American taxpayers to get it right.”
Lightfoot went on to explain that the super rocket is just a stepping stool to eventually get humans to Mars in the very near future. He said:
“After rigorous review, we’re committing today to a funding level and readiness date that will keep us on track to sending humans to Mars in the 2030s – and we’re going to stand behind that commitment.”
Despite the explanation and the detailed plans, some are blasting the Obama administration for signing a $7.021 billion check to NASA for a rocket that will fly once a year.
Some say, why not use that money to fix roads, bridges and schools right here in America?
It is a space shuttle varient, without the shuttle; So why is it so expensive?? NASA still holds to that idea that if it’s costly it’s good. And it is a LOX propulsion system wich NASA needs to break from if NASA wants to go to the stars.
People will always argue about the cost to return benefits of our space programs. In addition to the “spin offs” or inventions that benefit mankind, there is the intangible of firing the human mind and spirit–priceless to the furthering of the human race.
The major point of contention for me is the continued use of solid rocket boosters. These “heritage” devices have proven themselves deadly time and again. How much bribe money has Morton-Thiokol paid for their continued use?
There will be further losses from our space programs. Let us limit these losses through logical applications.
7 Billion is small change for something that may actually produce technological benefits compare to the 10 trillion(!) wasted in the last six years. For that much money every road, bridge and school in the country should have been replaced.
Chemical rockets won’t take humans to outer solar system like Jupiter or Saturn. It’s time to invest time and money to build manned spacecrafts powered by ion propulsion. Deep Space 1 powered by ion propulsion was successful. Chemical rockets are too inefficient for long term space travel.