Expect Naomi Campbell’s prison fashion to be epic. An Italian judge, who is fed up with Campbell’s mean attitude towards other human beings, has sentenced her to six months in prison for hitting a paparazzo and scratching his eye because he snapped pictures of her as she vacationed with then-boyfriend, Russian billionaire Vladimir Doronin.
Naomi Campbell‘s prison sentence is making headlines, but there is great doubt that the supermodel and part-time bully will spend a day behind bars. On Friday, a judge in Sicily, Italy handed a six months suspended prison sentence to Miss Campbell for assaulting a photographer six years ago. According to law experts, a suspended sentence:
…is a legal term for a judge’s delaying of a defendant’s serving of a sentence after they have been found guilty, in order to allow the defendant to perform a period of probation. If the defendant does not break the law during that period, and fulfills the particular conditions of the probation, the judge usually dismisses the sentence.
In other words, if Campbell can have a model behavior and not beat, spit or slap anyone until New Year’s Eve she will be just fine.
In the summer of 2009, Naomi Campbell assaulted a photographer by the name of Gaetano Di Giovanni, who was taking pictures of her as she strolled in the streets of the Sicilian island of Lipari with her now ex-boyfriend, Russian billionaire Vladimir Doronin.
Not thrilled by the paparazzo’s actions, Miss Campbell hit him with her fancy and expensive designer bag and scratched one of his eyes.
After suing Campbell in 2013, Mr. Di Giovanni told local media:
“I had just started taking some shots of her and I did not expect such a violent reaction.”
The pair eventually settled out of court for an undisclosed amount of money, but prosecutor Francesco Massara ordered the trial to go ahead. Campbell’s attorney, Guido Carlo Alleva, has announced that they will appeal the verdict in the statement below:
“We are appealing the ruling surrounding the 2009 incident.Due to the ongoing legal process, we cannot discuss the matter further at this time.”
In the past years, Naomi Campbell has attacked police officers, her maids, her personal assistant and a stewardess.
She is a spoiled, egotistical bitch.
Somebody need to whip her ass one good time