A mother and two children were hit by a car as they sat at a bus stop near USC in University Village in Los Angeles, California on Monday. The mother and the young children are all in stable condition.
On Monday afternoon, a mother and her two children were hit by a car while they were at a bus stop near the University of Southern California (USC) in University Village, in Los Angeles, California.
The names of the mother and her two daughters were not revealed to the media. According to members of the Los Angeles Police Department, a sedan struck the 36-year-old mother, her 1-year-old and 3-year-old children, who were taken to the University of Southern California medical center.
The accident occurred at the 1100 block of West Jefferson Boulevard shortly after 1 p.m. The mom and her 1-year-old child were said to be in critical condition, but moments later, they were upgraded to stable.
As for the 3-year-old child, she was initially said to be seriously injured, and was also bumped up to stable condition like her mother and sister, few hours later.
According to the Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman, Brian Humphrey, the driver of the Nissan, who hit the mother and the children is Hispanic and is 50 years of age.
She was in her vehicle with a chihuahua – neither of them were injured. The driver told the cops that she was not intoxicated and confessed that while making a left from Jefferson to Vermont avenue, another car suddenly cut her off and sped off.
She claimed to have lost control of the car and hit the mother and two children sitting in the bus stop. The driver has not been arrested.
LAPD traffic investigators have spoken to witnesses and are checking cameras mounted on businesses in the area to confirm the woman’s version of the story.
Below is a report on the mother and two children hit by a car as they sat at a bus stop near the University of Southern California.