Monica Lewinsky is talking about the recent hacking scandal that rocked some of the famous faces in Hollywood. Lewinsky was the first real major victim of the internet, when she played a key role during the Bill Clinton sex scandal in 1998.
Monica Lewinsky knows a thing or two about hacking and privacy breach. Lewinsky’s private chats with so-called friend Linda Tripp were leaked to the media nearly two decades ago, and the ensuing drama almost destroyed her life.
For those reasons, Lewinsky has nothing but sympathy for the victims of the hacking that rocked the entertainment world earlier this month. Over 100 celebrities saw naked and provocative pictures of themselves getting leaked on the web.
Jennifer Lawrence, Ariana Grande and Kate Upton were among those hit by the widespread hacking. Lewinsky who joined Vanity Fair as a contributor in July, put the focus on this topic in her latest piece for the publication. The 41-year-old wrote:
For all of our Instagram-enabled narcissism these days, there is no small degree of assault involved in having our private thoughts, our private conversations, our private photos dished up for the amusement and entertainment of the masses. Like so many others, I feel outrage—as a fellow victim, as a civilized individual, and as a woman—when other women are so easily and publicly violated. And I have found myself wondering: Have we become a world of pathetic voyeurs? Are we turning into scruffy old men in dirty raincoats slouched in the back row at the Gotham City theater? Or, millions of Tom the Tailors, about whom the phrase “Peeping Tom” was coined—after the character who peered through his shutters as Lady Godiva rode the streets of Coventry? (Let’s not forget that, according to legend, he was then struck blind.)
Interestingly enough, Lewinsky also talked about her own nude photo leak scare, she shared:
I was both relieved and shocked to see that the pictures purporting to be me, were not me.
You can read Monica Lewinsky thoughts on hacking here.