A mom in Edmonds shoots intruder on Thanksgiving day and her heroic story grabs headlines. An unnamed mother of three from Edmonds, Washington State, was awaken in the early hours of Thursday morning by a drunk intruder, who tried to enter her home, leading her to shoot him in the abdomen.
Edmonds’ mom shoots intruder to save her family and story goes viral, according to The Inquisitr. On Thursday morning at 3:15 a.m., a 36-year-old woman residing in Edmonds, Washington was awaken by the noise of someone pounding on her front door.
The lady called 911 and explained the situation. She went to the door with a gun in her hand and tried to persuade the intruder to leave. The 22-year-old man assumed that he would easily overpower the mom and attempted several times to push his way into the home.
Scared for her life and for her family, the mother of three pulled out her gun and shot the intruder in the stomach. Officers from the Edmonds Police Department rapidly arrived to the home located in the 16400 block of 75th Ave. W., and they took the wounded suspect into custody and immediately provided him with first aid.
The man was rushed to Harborview Medical Center, where doctors say that he will survive. Edmonds police spokesman Sgt. Mark Marsh issued a statement about the Edmonds mom who shot the intruder case that read:
“She struggled with the intruder trying to prevent him from entering the house.She realized that she could not continue to hold him out and as the suspect forced his way inside the house she fired one shot and struck the suspect in the abdomen.”
Sgt. Bob Barker, who arrived early to the scene of the crime, revealed that the mother took drastic action as her husband, three children, ages 14, 10 and 5, plus a friend of the teenager, were all sleeping inside. Barker explained:
“There were the kids in the house. She was scared, and so she was doing what she could to protect her family.”
According to the law enforcer, the 22-year-old man was drunk during the attempted home invasion. It is believed that he knew the previous owners of the Edmonds’ home or knows people in the area and was trying to locate them. The brother of the drunk intruder has spoken to local media and said that he meant no harm.
Below is a report on the Edmonds mom who shot the drunk intruder story.