Congressman Mo Brooks and Hillary Clinton are officially enemies. In several interviews, Mr. Brooks, who represents the state of Alabama, claimed that if Clinton is elected president, he will work to impeach her for the email scandal.
Republicans impeached Bill Clinton, now, Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks is hoping his party will do the same to his wife, Hillary Clinton – if she ever makes it to the White House. Brooks’ statement may help understand why Mrs. Clinton counts the GOP among her top enemies.
Earlier this week, Rep. Brooks appeared on a radio show where he announced that he will make sure that Mrs. Clinton is impeached on day one of her presidency over the private server scandal. Brooks claimed that there is a possibility that hundreds of people lost their lives because of the former Secretary of State’s decision to have “classified information” on a server that could have been hacked.
Thus far the investigation by the Justice Department and the FBI has not found any hacking attempts and has not concluded that the former Senator from New York committed any crimes. The Republican stated on Matt Murphy‘s radio show:
“How many lives she put at risk by violating all rules of law that are designed to protect America’s top-secret and classified information from falling into the hands of our geopolitical foes who then might use that information to result in the deaths of Americans.”
The politician later appeared on MSNBC where he repeated his talking points by saying:
“She violated all rules of law that are designed to protect America’s top-secret and classified information from falling into the hands of our geopolitical foes who then might use that information to result in the deaths of Americans.”
According to the GOP congressman, the media is focusing on the wrong issue by constantly reporting on Clinton’s emails – he believes the real story is about national security. Brooks said that reporters are repeating the mistakes of the past like digging into the 1998 Monica Lewinsky sex scandal instead of zooming in on Bill Clinton‘s perjury and obstruction of justice related to his testimony. He claimed:
“It’s not about emails, it’s not about an email server. It’s about national security and classified documents, secret and top secret, that are supposed to be protected and held in ways that minimize the risk that our geopolitical foes can get their hands on. It’s much like Bill Clinton in the 1990’s, where he and the news media were able to portray his act as all about sex, when it was really about felony of perjury and obstruction of justice.”
Clinton, who has apologized for mishandling the matter, will be testifying on Thursday before the House Select Committee on Benghazi – this will be her second time facing the tough crowd. The committee has become somewhat of a joke thanks to House Majority Leader and almost-Speaker of The House Kevin McCarthy, who let it slip that they have been wasting million of dollars to harm Clinton’s White House bid.