Miley spoofs Nicki again and some people are wondering if she is trying to start a full-blown feud with the female rapper? Miley Cyrus mocks Nicki Minaj with huge fake derriere and it becomes easy to understand that she is looking for some trouble.
Miley spoofs Nicki, decides to share the photo on Instagram for the world to laugh. After mocking Minaj’s “Anaconda” single cover last month, Cyrus wants another piece of Minaj’s bootyful self.
The “Wrecking Ball” singer took to Instagram on Wednesday to post a picture of herself wearing a giant fake butt that resembles Minaj’s masterpiece of a bum. Some of Cyrus fans were confused and thought that she was poking fun at Kim Kardashian who is also the proud owner of a world-class piece of butt.
The “We Can’t Stop” diva made sure that her target was evident by using Young Money Entertainment’s rapper Tyga lyrics as caption. Cyrus wrote, “ass so fat need a lap dance,” which are taken from the song “Lap Dance” that was released in 2011. Tyga and Minaj are signed to the same label.
Cyrus completed the so-called funny image with her tongue being out as she stood in front of a mirror to take the selfie. The “Super Bass” singer who currently has two Top 5 hits on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart has not responded to Cyrus’ latest diss. The Other Woman actress is probably sensing that the fake butt stunt is a desperate plea for attention and relevancy.
Some say that there might be a bit of jealousy hidden behind all these Minaj jokes. In 2013, the Miley Cyrus circus dominated pop culture in a big way. 2014 looks like it’s all about Minaj and her voluptuous derriere. To make matters worse, few weeks ago, Nicki Minaj’s “Anaconda” music video beat Cyrus’ “Wrecking Ball” old record for most views in 24 hours on the VEVO channel. The new record is 19.6 million views versus 19.3 million previously.
Another interesting theory is rooted in the idea that the song “Anaconda” is not very kind to women who have small butts, did Miley take it personally? Cyrus always had a deep fascination with big bums, she even uses women who have them in concerts. Should Minaj find solace in the fact that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? Is Miley paying some kind of homage?
When Cyrus first mocked Minaj in August, the femcee did answer on Instagram with the caption: “Give me one good reason why Miley made this her twitter avi.” She did add few emoticons that seemed to indicate that she was not taking the whole thing too seriously.
The second time the 21-year-old artist posted a mock Minaj picture on Instagram, the “Starships” artist responded, with a simple “No chill ZONE!!!!” and a disappointed emoji. At that point, Minaj seemed annoyed by Cyrus’ antics.
Miley left Nicki alone for over three weeks and the feud now looks inevitable. As Miley spoofs Nicki and grabs headlines, it becomes clear that the Hannah Montana era is really over, and Cyrus will do anything to remain pop culture’s center of attention.
It’s all a very entertaining ride, but it’s also slightly sad one, since it looks like she can do so much better than that.
What do you think of the burgeoning Miley Nicki feud?
Miley needs to be on meds…she’s out of it!
I totally agree! She needs to work on something productive instead of taking jabs at another artist. She probably just wished she had a little more cakes to twerk with. Smh
Madame O gets her butt stuck in narrow doorways
People on here are living in 2000 bc. Get with it
What are you on
Morm your on drugs
Apparently, neither one of them are worth commenting on.
Kim no one asked you to comment. Mileys great sorry
I think Billy Ray dropped her on her head one to many times…..
I think you were because your brain dead
I think Billy Ray taught her all she knows about her nasty ways, if you know what I mean, Hillbilly style.
That’s not a fake, it’s Kim Larda$$ian posing with her.
What is wrong with that girl????
She is haveing a good time
Of course she with a giant rear end-she’s in the picture! SO I guess you can say there are two big asses in the picture! She can’t get publicity any other way. Certainly not with her new music or lifestyle.
Omigosh you are absolutely right! Nicki is just on right now has quite a few songs on the radio and has been posing in extremely racy pics…easy target.
Give me your reason y
Linda could you sing. When is your cd comming out
Linda she can sing. You people hate everything .this is 2014 growup nothing wrong with her lifestyle.you wish you could have her lifestyle.hate gets you nowere.so growup
Miley we love you keep it up. Your one beautiful lady
I thought that it sort of looked like Kim Kardashian’s rear end.
Sorry, but I laughed out loud. I just can’t take any of this stuff that seriously, and it did remind me of Nicki and Kim as well. Just a spoof. Satire has been around forever. It may egg on a feud, but Nicki would do well just to ignore it.
these pictures are hilarious! Its just a spoof, Satire. . . a joke. Imitation is supposed to be the highest form of flattery MC could find so many other ways to go after NM if she really wanted to start a popularity war.
Enjoy it or not, the pictures are doing what they are meant to.
getting both artists to trend more in social media by having people comment and create an issue about something.
Rapper’s would create “Beefs” with one another like boxer’s in a pre-fight weigh in to generate more excitement, thus increasing their PPV take.
That’s freaking hilarious! The only thing nastier than an obscenely overweight ass is one that’s covered with cellulite that resembles hail damage. Nicki minag is one nasty, grotesquely hideous girl who can’t sing worth a damn. She should consider losing some of that ass weight before it takes over the rest of her body and causes heart problems. Oh, and her singing is amateurish as well. Her only saving grace is that she doesn’t have one of those ghetto-style made-up names.
you must be a snowflake with no ass
I guess you think Miley can sing, let’s face it that hick is riding her daddy’s coat tail of fame and we won’t discuss nasty (I don’t want to think where that tongue has been). BTW: So what should we call Miley’s birth name “country trash”? Perhaps you are not aware – Miley isn’t that scum bags birth name, She take it from her Hannah Montana show character (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miley_Cyrus)
Yes she can sing
Nba weres your cd I’ll be looking for it
NAb your white trash.all you do is call names. How old are you 2years. Grow up little boy is your bed time now.let your scumbag mom put you to sleep.and your trash dad could help
your and idiot for saying “everyone is name calling” Stop!!!Quit it!!! and it is the very thing you do. ha ha ha ha. I think your the 2 yr old here.
Very true
that’s nice, Miley’s so great in the sharing department.
Celebrities are always spoofing each other. It not only serves to get publicity for the spoofer but also keeps the spoofed in the public eye. I think most celebs understand this and don’t really take offense.
Mileys haveing fun get over it .she can sing act and very beautiful.
Cheers to Nicki for doing her best to ignore Miley. It takes a lot of backbone to endure public attacks (and it takes a very small person [and I’m not talking about butt size] to dish them out).
I been going on these sites all you people do is call names.I have seen slut whore ugley. Would you people like someone to call your sister mom dad names. The lady can sing act sorry.ok this is what you want to hear your mother sister wife girlfriends are all sluts whores ugley.this is what you like. sick people. This is 2014 not 200o bc .you don’t like her singing don’t put it on. Nobody has a gun to your heads.she could be naked on stage if you don’t like it don’t go its that easy.are all of you gop or tea party nuts or bible thumpers. Hide you holy eyes. Now see it went away
Billy Ray turn off the computer and go to bed right now
Both of these women are obviously looking for something the size of an anaconda to fulfill their needs. That is what happens when you have sex so much that all of the elasticity is gone.
this girl need to be in a mentel instatuion makin fun of ppl she gon get hurt
foreal foreal
Still not the size of the Obama butt
Miley needs a butt implant, she looks idiotic shaking here boney behind,you are not twerking, your tweeking, she’s just showing how jealous she is of Nicki Minaj’s body. Miley Virus is a skunky girl, no talent or morals. Just plain old scummy.
big asses stings.
I think its hilarious! I hate big a@# i think its disgusting. Big butts are gross to look at. Please women with celulite big butts stop showing us and dont wear leggings i want to barf when i see your fat a#$%s.
but you keep looking, don’t cha