Mike Sorrentino loses tanning salon due to $32,000 of unpaid bills. Mike Sorrentino, aka The Situation, aka Sitch, has been forced to close his Boca Tanning Club in New Jersey because he owes his landlord over $32,000.
Mike Sorrentino loses tanning salon because he failed to pay his landlord. According to several media outlets, former Jersey Shore star Mike Sorrentino better known as The Situation has been served an eviction notice.
Mike Sorrentino, who is the owner of Boca Tanning Club in New Jersey, was dragged to court last month by his landlord. The reality star owed the owner of the premises $32,000. With his lawyer by his side, The Situation agreed to pay his landlord in installments of $5,5000.
The first installment was scheduled for January 15th and not a penny was paid to the landlord. A picture has surfaced showing a warrant of removal issued by a New Jersey court on February 12th plastered on the front door of the tanning salon.
Mike Sorrentino has three business days to get all of his belongings out of the premises. But he has other options, Sorrentino can request more time to remain in the salon by applying to the court for a stay of the Warrant for Removal.
By proving that he will suffer some kind of hardship – the court can grant him between 7 days and up to 6 months of stay, if he is able to pay the rent of course. Mike Sorrentino loses tanning salon, but has the law on his side, according to experts:
“In New Jersey, the only way tenants can be evicted from their rental premises is if a judge permits the eviction after a lawsuit has been decided in favor of the landlord. A landlord cannot evict a tenant or remove a tenant’s belongings from a rental premises without first obtaining a judgment for possession and a warrant of removal. Arrangements must be made with the court officer assigned to the case to evict the tenant. It is illegal for a landlord to force a tenant out by refusing access, shutting off utilities, changing the locks or padlocking the premises. A landlord also cannot take possession of a tenant’s personal belongings or furniture in an attempt to force the tenant to pay rent.
If a landlord illegally evicts a tenant from the tenant’s rental premises, the tenant can file a complaint and order to show cause in the Special Civil Part and be put back in the rental premises by the judge.”
Sorrentino and several of his family members have another tanning salon in Florida. It has been a very rough few months for the star who was indicted by a federal grand jury in New Jersey in September. The inventor of GTL – gym, tan, laundry, failed to pay full taxes on his impressive $8.9 million in earnings.
According prosecutors, Mike Sorrentino intentionally filed fraudulent returns hoping to fool the IRS. He was also arrested for fighting with his brother Frank in June of 2014. He was charged with assault and ordered to attend anger management classes
Despite all the drama in his life, Mike Sorrentino has been busy posting shirtless pictures and encouraging words like “confidence is silent and insecurities are loud” on Instagram.
Mike Sorrentino loses tanning salon and fans are hoping that he can get back on his feet financially.