Memphis mob of 60 teens have attacked again. On Friday, the infamous Memphis teen mob that wreaked havoc in the parking lot of a Kroger store earlier this month, struck again, this time attacking a woman named Sharon Mourning, an elderly man and a teenager. Only two of the young criminals have been cited.
Sharon Mourning who was attacked by the Memphis mob said that the 60 young people and criminals who scared her and her young daughter are lucky she was not armed because she could have killed most of them.
On Friday night at around 10 PM, Sharon Mourning who was accompanied by her daughter Princess was driving in a street near Central High School when a mob of 20 teens attacked her.
Mourning stated that the teenagers were jumping and stumping on her car. The youngsters punched her windows, but were unable to break them.
As she was trapped in the vehicle and feared for her life, she could hear the teens laughing and mocking her as they kicked the car repeatedly.
Mourning claimed that as she was dialing 911, she spotted a second mob of teens not too far away. According to the Memphis woman, there were at least 40 kids in the second group who were beating, kicking and punching an elderly man.
The teens assaulted the individual because he was honking his horn and asking them to move out of the way. Mourning also witnessed the Memphis mob assaulting a young man whose face was covered with blood.
Talking to local media, the mother said that as she was calling the authorities for help, she saw a police officer nearby and drove to him and asked for assistance. Mourning had a clear message for the young criminals:
“Had I had been armed we would have had a lot of kids laying in the Bellevue street that night.”
The lady also warned the parents and guardians of these violent teens, if they do not take action there will be Ferguson-like protest in Tennessee:
“Memphis is going to burn if they don’t control these children.”
According to Memphis police, two males, one 55 years old and the other 16 years of age were assaulted by the mob of delinquents.
Members of the Memphis Police Department have summoned only 2 of the 60 kids who took part in Friday’s assaults. Two teens, both 17, were given juvenile summons and released to their parents.
Mourning was disappointed by the news, saying that all 60 thugs should have been arrested.
Instead, of apprehending the young people taking part in those brutal attacks, the Memphis police is trying to scold parents for letting their kids behave badly and pointing fingers at the school district for not having enough security at football games.
Memphis Police Department’s Director Toney Armstrong had the following to say on the Memphis mob attack:
“Several juvenile summons were issued by MPD in connection with these incidents; however, these investigations are ongoing.Due to these incidents occurring after a high school football game, I will be reaching out to the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office and the Shelby County School District to ensure these school events have adequate law enforcement present. It is also imperative that parents and guardians become more engaged in their children’s day-to-day activities. Parental supervision is crucial to reducing delinquent behavior; we have got to get our parents more involved with what is going on in the lives of our children.”
Earlier this month, the Memphis mob attacked two teens working at Kroger grocery store and a shopper who was making his way to his car.
One of the young employee was knocked to the ground after being hit by a giant Halloween pumpkin.
Some residents angered by the recent spike in violence, have vowed to take on the Memphis mob and make the teens pay for their senseless attacks.
This is why I wont ever have kids!
They better hope they don’t pick my car. That clip holds 50 and I can change it quick enough and I’m a great shot. My life or their’s….. someone will loose and my bets on them.
Any they wonder why “black teens” get a bad rap… well start behaving and turning your “friends” in, instead of standing aroung watching or cheering.
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem!!