Melissa Rivers will sue Dr. Lawrence Cohen and Dr Gwen Korovin for the death of her mother, Joan Rivers. Melissa Rivers is certain to sue Yorkville Endoscopy after getting some disturbing details about what really happened to her mother. Rivers is not filing the lawsuit for the money, she just wants to prevent another death.
According to a close source to Melissa Rivers, she has decided to sue the New York facility and the staff members present during the routine medical procedure that ended her mother Joan Rivers’ life.
In an interview with Radar Online, the insider explained that Miss Rivers is absolutely certain that she will sue, not for the money, but because she wants to make sure another patient does not die at the clinic. The source said:
“She won’t be doing it for the money.She wants to make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else.”
The person claimed, the television personality spoke to several staff members of Yorkville Endoscopy, who dropped a bombshell about Dr. Lawrence Cohen and the female ear, nose and throat doctor, who are being blamed for Joan Rivers’ death.
It appears that Dr. Lawrence Cohen invited an unauthorized person, which was later revealed to be Dr Gwen Korovin to observe the procedure.
After the gastroenterologist had performed the endoscopy, it is reported that Dr Gwen Korovin stepped in to take a selfie with Joan Rivers while under anesthesia.
Korovin who was Joan Rivers’ personal ENT specialist began a biopsy without the patient’s consent. During the unauthorized biopsy, oxygen flow was cut from River’s lungs, which led to a cardiac arrest.
The controversial comedienne was taken to Mount Sinai where she was removed from life support on September 4 after being in a coma for several days.
But according to the anonymous source, there is something more shocking that Dr Gwen Korovin did that has Melissa Rivers preparing to sue. The source shared:
“It was something related to Joan’s personal ear, nose and throat doctor and it wasn’t about the unplanned biopsy she did.Melissa will await the outcome of the official medical investigation and then absolutely file the lawsuits.”
After news broke that Melissa Rivers plans to sue those involved in her mom’s death, Korovin issued a statement saying that she will not talk about the matter.
According to some of her family members, she plans to clear her name because she knows that she has not done anything wrong. Korovin is said to be cooperating with investigators on the case.
Yorkville Endoscopy said in a statement that Dr. Cohen has been released from his post at the clinic. Many agree that Melissa Rivers should sue because this a clear case of medical malpractice.
Others say she is dragging the doctors to court, just trying to get money. What say you?
I don’t think for a moment she is suing for money. She is very wealthy now and her inheritance will definitely cause her to be ultra wealthy. I feel she is 100% right to bring to light what happened to her mother because it is evident it was not suppose to be a mortal procedure. It appears obvious the doctors involved were not acting professionally. I hope she finds out all that took place so this will never be able to happen to anyone else. It is sad that Joan Rivers was a victim of these careless physicians. Good luck Melissa. Your mom deserves the grace and dignity to know what happened.
I am so sad to loose an icon “Joan Rivers” who made us all laugh and love. On another note my husband contracted MRSA during surgery which was due to someone on the surgical team. Let us hope for better standards and safeguards in the medical practices. Don’t get me wrong there are a lot of persons in the medical profession that I commend and thank for their caring and kindness.
Sincerely, Deborah
Not only should she sue but she really is morally obligated. What ever financial settlement there may be in the wrongful death of an 81 year old woman, it would be just a small amount compared to her current wealth. This goes beyond medical malpractice to medical recklessness. If what we are told about the behavior of these doctors during the procedure is accurate, they should lose their licenses to practice ever again.Their actions were outrageous and directly caused the death of this otherwise healthy woman. We can only hope that when the civil matters of this tragedy are concluded, criminal accountability is undertaken.
Melissa does not need any money, and no amount of money can replace her mom and the love and life they shared on this earth, what’s right is right, and what happened was wrong, now others want to cover things up, and not accept responsibility for their negligent actions which contributed to her mothers death, and they need to be held accountable for their actions so it does not happen again. MAY GOD COMFOT MELISSA, HER FAMILY AND THEIR LOVED ONES IN SUCH A TIME OF NEED, I LOST MY WIFE IN 2010, BREAST CANCER, NEGLIGENCE, IN 2010, MARRIED 28 YEARS, WITH 4 GROWN DAUGHTER’S, AND 5 GRANDKIDS, MY MOM AT 78 WITH LUNG CANCER AND DEMENTIA, NURSING HOME NEGLIGENCE, IN 2012, THEN MY DAD WHO I LET STAY WITH ME FOR THE LAST YEARS OF HIS LIFE, A VET, AT 86, WITH PARKINSON’S AND OTHER ISSUES, MORE NEGLIGENCE, THINGS MISDIAGNOSED AND NOT TOLD TO OR EXPLAINED TO ME, AND I DID NOT GET A DIME, YET NO AMOUNT OF MONEY COULD EVER REPLACE ANY ONE OF THEM, AND PEOPLE HAVE THE NERVE TO NOW BE ATTEMPTING TO SUE ME, WHEN I’M FLAT BROKE AND DEEP IN DEBT, BARELY EATING, BECAUSE I GAVE MY ALL AND DID ALL I COULD TO HELP MY LOVED ONES… A SHAME……………………. I TRULY WISH MILISSA THE BEST, AND HAVE HER IN MY PRAYERS…………….
at what point though do celebrities, who bring their own unauthorized doctor to a procedure (who does that?) take responsibility. it’s terrible, what happened. if reports of the selfie are true it’s even worse. but what kind of position did joan and family put the clinic in by bringing in their “well renowned” doctor. what was she doing there? was she just hanging in the lobby? i highly doubt that’s why she was there. i feel a bit bad for the clinic doc because i’m sure he was sort of put in a position of having to tell a world renowned doctor of a world renowned figure “no”… i don’t think this is a unique situation… just went south.