Megyn Kelly beats Bill O’Reilly in the ratings game, and the story goes viral. Kelly won in the demo thanks to a heated debate over immigration and by landing the first and only interview with the Duggar clan after Josh’s molestation scandal.
Megyn Kelly and Bill O’Reilly might not remain friends for very long if this trend continues.
Bill O’Reilly, the author of Killing Patton: The Strange Death of World War II’s Most Audacious General, who often invites other Fox News hosts on his show, should go on a promotional tour for The O’Reilly Factor because Megyn Kelly is climbing the ladder.
According to Mediaite, The Kelly File hosted by Megyn Kelly came out the winner for the month of June in the demo. O’Reilly still won when it comes to the full list. Here is a breakdown of the numbers:
With 400K demo viewers for the month of June, The Kelly File beat The O’Reilly Factor, which had 397K viewers. Bill O’Reilly maintained his top spot in total viewers, averaging 2.419M over the course of the month. Kelly was the only other cable news host to top the two million mark, coming in second place with 2.043M. The Five came in third with 1.857M total viewers.
Mrs. Kelly was also the most-watched show on the network for the month of November 2014. Viewers flocked to The Kelly File for her in-depth and passionate coverage of the Ferguson verdict and riots that followed.
In June, Kelly benefited from a significant ratings boost after airing her exclusive two-part interview with the Duggar family. The sit-down took place after some disturbing revelations about Josh Duggar surfaced in the media. The reality star allegedly molested several children including his sisters when he was a teenager. Nielsen reported:
“The Kelly File” averaged 2.22 million viewers, including about 641,000 adults 25-54 — the show’s best-ever Friday tally in the key news demo. Compared to the show’s May averages in the same 9 p.m. hour, Friday’s “Kelly File” shot up by 136% in the demo (641,000 vs. 272,000) and by 41% in total viewers (2.22 million vs. 1.57 million).
Another reason Megyn Kelly had a better month than Bill O’Reilly – immigration. While O’Reilly was busy pointing to Americans that Hillary Clinton would be a terrible president because she is not trustworthy, Megyn Kelly was capitalizing on Donald Trump‘s “most undocumented Mexicans are rapists and murderers” comment.
That same week, Canadian-born Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, conservative commentator and author Ann Coulter and reporter Geraldo Rivera took part in a very heated debate on immigration.
They tackled border security, Obama’s frozen executive actions, sanctuary cities and Juan Francisco Lopez Sanchez, the undocumented immigrant accused of shooting San Francisco woman, Kathryn Steinle with a gun that belonged to a federal agent.
She’s actually too good to be on Faux NEWS
Thats why shes on FOX News because she is good, otherwise she would be nobody. I read stories all the time about CNN MSNBC NBC ABC but never anything about individual host.
I am so glad that she has beaten O’Reilly. I use to never miss him but he has become so self centered and I would say that half of his show is advertising himself, his books or his hats. I am sick of his arrogance.
THAT is great news, but then, that chithead Alan Coombs beats O’Reilly ;>)
She better than O’Reilly… who has become so self-centered he’s lost my attention and indeed viewing. Megyn has to stick to “her” style…and not become formed and pressed by the producers and the rest of FOX management. If she can stick to her own thoughts, her own dialogue (without having to read what’s on the teleprompters) she’ll do fine and there’s no place for her to go but further up. She continues to capture my viewing her timeslot, and so long as she sticks to her own principles – and doesn’t take on the O’Reilly trait of hogging the mike and interrupting her guests like Bill does, she’s going to be the best in the industry.
Always a great show Megyn!!