Mayor revealed that the killer of Jersey City officer wanted to be famous. The mayor of Jersey City Steven Fulop told the media that Lawrence Campbell the cop killer who shot Officer Melvin Santiago committed the crime in the sole purpose of being a star. Lawrence Campbell killed Melvin Santiago during a fake robbery on Sunday.
In a press conference held by the mayor of Jersey City Steven Fulop, families and colleagues of rookie officer Melvin Santiago learned that he lost his young life because Lawrence Campbell wanted to be in the history books and in the news as a famous cop killer.
On Sunday at around 4PM Lawrence Campbell, 27, walked into a Walgreens with a small knife in his hands.
Campbell who was already wanted for homicide said he was looking for a greeting card and proceeded to attack a security guard in the pharmacy and stole his gun, which prompted employees of the drugstore to call 911 to report a robbery.
The mayor explained that as the cop killer waited for police to respond to the call he told a woman in the store that he was sorry for his behavior and went in to advice her to watch the news later on because he will be famous and will be all over the news.
Melvin Santiago who was just 24 years of age arrived on the scene and was shot in the head by Campbell with the guard’s gun.
Santiago who graduated from the police academy in December always had in interest in the law according to one of his close friends who is now more than ever eager to become a cop.
Melvin Santiago’s good pal Gary Nahrwold said that his friend’s death gives him an extra reason and purpose to join the police force.
The officer’s mom is said to be in disbelief and has been repeating her son’s badge number over and over telling relatives that they have the wrong officer in the body bag.