Man decapitates self in broad daylight in the middle of a New York road. A man by the name of Tomas Rivera, left this earth in a horrific way by committing suicide using his car and a chain to decapitate himself and the whole incident was caught on surveillance cameras.
Man decapitates self in the Bronx, which leads to the question, how can society help people with suicidal thoughts?
Early Monday morning, members of the New York City’s police department were called to the Bronx where they discovered a horrific scene.
Authorities found the headless body of a man by the name of Tomas Rivera. Mr Rivera’s remains were found in Longfellow Avenue near Randall Avenue at around 9:30 AM, according to Examiner.
It had looked like the man died after a car crash, but an investigation into the matter revealed otherwise. The man drove his 2005 Honda CRV to Hunts Point, got out of the car and tied a giant metal chain around a telephone pole.
The 51-year-old man returned to his car and wrapped the other end of the chain around his neck. The Port Jervis man who may have been suffering from some kind of mental illness, pressed gas and killed himself.
The man was decapitated during the incident and his head flew out of the car, and his body was ejected from the vehicle and into the streets.
Rivera’s Honda slammed into another parked car. Several passersby who spotted the headless body assumed that the man died in the car crash.
But the police found couple of surveillance videos that showed that the man took his own life. It appears that Rivera did leave a suicide note behind for his loved ones, but police are not revealing the content.
The man’s family who resides in upstate New York has not yet commented on the tragedy. The Inquisitr makes an interesting point about the method of suicide used in this tragic story and what is going on in the Middle East with ISIS militants who recently beheaded two American journalists·
The story of “Man Decapitates Self In New York Street” has many laughing with outrageous head related jokes, and some are even applauding Rivera for being very creative and finding a clever way to go out.
Instead of giggling, people should be talking to their surroundings about this phone number 1-800-273-8255, which is the National Suicide Prevention Line.
Millions of people in America are going through depression, battling incurable illnesses and dealing with mental issues, and are thinking that suicide is the only answer.
In 2010, 38,364 Americans committed suicide.
While many believe that teenagers (who are bullied or are facing mental illnesses) and seniors (war vets, depressed and sick elders) are more likely to kill themselves, a new study revealed that there was a surge in suicide rates among middle-aged people.
From 1999 to 2010, the suicide rate among Americans skyrocketed to 17.6 deaths per 100,000 people, up from 13.7.
Again, the National Suicide Prevention Line is 1-800-273-8255 and it is opened 24/7.
It has been revealed that the man who decapitated himself is from Orange County, NY.
According to local media outlets, the New York City Medical Examiner’s Office has opened an investigation into Tomas Rivera’s gruesome death, despite the fact that it looks like a suicide.
As of this moment, authorities have not revealed why the man decided to commit suicide. The man’s family has declined to comment on the matter.
The shocking death of Tomas Rivera has sparked an intense debate online and the need to do something about suicide prevention and the treatment of mental illness.
According to reports the man who decapitated himself did indeed leave a note behind and officers from the New York Police department have been in contact with his family.
Maybe if everyone wasn’t such an a-hole, we have to many judgmental people who are literally out to say rude, horrible things to people and they go omg wow they killed them self, what could have done that…
Suicidal people can also be the a-holes that you speak of and death by any means does not automatically deem their innocence or sanctity. If you understood more about suicides, you would have commented differently.
awesome way to go
rest in peace
Person I pray you seek the help you from our creator. This was a man. A fellow American. A human being. How dare you say what a way to go out. Is this what society is really coming to?
CMoney society is already there. self centered, arrogant and myopic. AM I my Brothers keeper? Yes Jesus Will Walk!!!!!!!!!!!
If someone wants suicide pharmcies and doctors should provide us with the tools to do so if they seem fit. Some people are beyond healing and will die soon anyways. Also he didnt kill 27 people before himself I respect that. He went out alone.
I think this was horrible. What the family must go through. What a tragic way to die. Someone could have stopped this if they had seen the man putting the chain around his neck and yelled “what are you planning to do”. There have been many people who actually stopped suicide from happening. You have to know the aura and sense something is about to go wrong. It’s not anyone to judge what the person was thinking as he went about to end his life. As for the negative comments on here, one day you will know someone or probably do know someone who is suicidal and that person may thank you if you talk to him/her about the depression and what is going on and for you to talk someone out of suicide is commendable.
Society needs to change but it takes individuals who are brave enough to speak to those who suffer. Buddha said “Life is suffering”. We can over suffering from our attachment to material things. We do this by right speech, right thought, right action. If someone is needing help, it is for us to help them. This is not any religion but common sense.
It’s ok to ask someone if they need help. The media teaches speaking to strangers is wrong. But ironically, most people who are related tend to have the serious problem within themselves. Most molesters are those who related to the molested child, not a stranger.
Trust is a problem in this world and that is one reason why there’s so much hatred and anger and judgement against others. Open your hearts and your minds and you will see a whole different world out there.
Have a great day and take care. Things do get better for those of you who are struggling.
Same fucken bullshit
May he rest in peace. Don’t know what could have been so bad to commit suicide in such a gruesome manner but again I don’t know how depression or mental illness can affect someone to do this. I have the actual photos from the scene however, out of respect for Mr. Rivera and his family, I did not/will not post it here or any other network.
BS, You got nothing!
Horrific and sad, We need to put more focus on treatment and mental health issues! Pass time to take a serious look at board and care homes, guest homes which are usually staffed and run by folk who are untrained and incapable of addressing any issues of poor mental health. Despite the money that taxpayers are contributing, there are many opportunists out there who are making large sums of money with no concern for the health of the folks they warehouse! God Bless this man!, wouldn’t it be tragic, that we discovered that this Man was only depressed and needed some medication or forgot to take It? Where is the care and concern?